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Yes. Pure sodium is highly flammable and a sodium fire cannot be put out with water or carbon dioxide like most fires.

Sodium reacts violently with water, often catching fire and exploding. This reaction produces sodium hydroxide, a strong and caustic base.

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13y ago
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1d ago

Sodium is dangerous because it reacts violently with water, releasing hydrogen gas which can ignite. Chlorine is dangerous because it is a toxic gas that can cause severe respiratory and skin irritation at high concentrations. Additionally, sodium chloride (table salt) is safe for consumption in moderation but ingesting large amounts can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure.

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12y ago

well sodium can be really explosive fact small quantities of sodium react vigorously when reacted with water. it's highly poisonous to living things as it reacts with moisture on the skin and slowly corrodes it

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16y ago

if sodium mixes with water it reacts really quickly and explodes ! If it comes in contact with bare skin sodium hydroxide will form and begin dissolving through the skin

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Q: Why are sodium and chlorine dangerous elements?
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Sodium and pure chlorine are so dangerous?

how is this possible when pure sodium and chlorine are so dangerous

What elements are in sodium chlorine?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) are both elements. There is no such thing/compound as "sodium chlorine" Table salt is "Sodium Chloride" (NaCl).

How is chlorine and sodium?

Chlorine and sodium are natural chemical elements.

How is it possible that you can eat sodium and chlorine in a compound together when they are dangerous elements apart?

When sodium and chlorine combine to form sodium chloride (table salt), they create a stable compound with different properties than the individual elements. This compound is safe for consumption in moderate amounts because the chemical bond between sodium and chlorine atoms holds them together in a harmless form.

What elements are in NaCl?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) are the elements that make up NaCl otherwise known as Sodium Chloride.

The compound sodium chloride is what elements?

sodium and chlorine

How do the elements sodium and chlorine produce the compound sodium chloride?

Sodium and chlorine react together in a chemical reaction called an ionic bond. Sodium donates an electron to chlorine, forming positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions. These ions then attract each other, forming the compound sodium chloride.

Which two elements are in sodium chloride?

Sodium and chlorine are the two elements in sodium chloride. Sodium contributes a positive charge, and chlorine contributes a negative charge, resulting in the formation of the compound sodium chloride (NaCl).

Why is chlorine and sodium dangerous?

Chlorine gas is toxic to inhale and can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, and eye irritation. Sodium metal is reactive and can explode when it comes in contact with water, potentially causing burns and fires. Both chlorine and sodium must be handled with care to avoid adverse health effects and accidents.

What elements are in sodium chloride other than sodium and chloride?

Sodium and chlorine are the only elements in sodium chloride.

What elements are represented in NaCl?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) are the elements represented in NaCl (sodium chloride), a common salt compound. Sodium is a metal, while chlorine is a non-metal. When combined, they form an ionic bond in a 1:1 ratio.

What are NaCl elements?

Sodium chloride contain sodium and chlorine.