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They consume less power and have no moving parts.

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Q: Why are solid state drives reliable and therefore suitable to be installed in computers used in harsh industrial workplaces?
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Why are solid state drives reliable and therefore suitable to be installed in computer used in harsh industrial workplaces?

Because they have no moving mechanical parts to be upset by knocks or drops.

Do computers deam?

Computers are incapable of independent thought and therefore cannot dream.

Xls on computers mean?

XLS is the common extension for an MS Excel (tm) spreadsheet. Therefore chances are the reference you and/or your computer is referring to is an Excel Spreadsheet. To open this file format you must have either MS (Microsoft) Excel standalone, or MS Office installed on your computer.

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§ Fear of computers - the user may fear that computers will result in the loss of their jobs and therefore become unwilling to cooperate with the analyst.

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DWIM : Do What I Mean in computers assumed the intention of users and were programmed to perform actions therefore.

Why use Microsoft Windows operating system?

Well it comes on most computers pre-installed and it is therefore difficult NOT to to get it (and pay for it). However, there are much better FREE to use operating systems that could be used instead. One is Ubuntu Linux - see the link below. Is it not about time that we had the choice of which operating system we wanted installed rather than accepting the virus prone behemoth peddled by a convicted (by a US federal court) illegal monopoly.

What prevented computers from having an impact on everyday life in the 1960s?

In the 1960's - the majority of computers were owned by businesses - there were almost no terminals in domestic homes. Therefore there was no impact on everyday life.

How long are barbells for industrial piercings?

That depends solely on the size of the industrial you want. The barbell spans the space and therefore needs to be sized according to the ear of the client and the desired look one is going for.

How do laptops and computers differ when it comes to managing files?

Laptops and computers differ when it comes to managing files. Computers, in general, tend to have a larger capacity for storage as compared to laptops. Managing a large quantity and/or size of files may therefore be easier on a computer.

Does information technology include computers?

Yes, computers deal with the manipulation, processing, storage, retrieval, reception and transmission of data and information, and therefore are considered to be a critical sub-area of Information Technology.

Why analogue to digital conversions is needed when computers are used in monitoring and measuring?

Because - computers can only process digital information. Therefore all analogue input must be converted to digital before processing.

Important teachers or important computers?

Important computers although both are equally important because as you notice that humans put on the information on the internet but humans are also the ones that make up these scientific things taught in schools. Therefore a choice is a choice and that choice is important computers.