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Q: Why are some Americans so opposed to universal healthcare?
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Why did some Americans opposed?

Americans opposed slavery for religious reasons. The majority of northern Americans did not believe that one person should own another person.

Is the NHS unique only to the United Kingdom?

No, somewhere in the region of 50 countries operate some form of Universal Healthcare System.

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There has never been universal support for any war in the US. There are always some people who are opposed to the war. Some wars have been less popular than others, of course.

Do most Americans support a public healthcare option?

57% of Americans support some from of a public option. See related links for direct URL to poll.

Why are some Americans opposed to empire building by the US?

they thought they would lose allies and economic venture

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Many people were opposed to Wilson's 14,points, Americans and other world leaders alike. Some of the reasons they were opposed to it were that they didn't like the League of Nations and the wide ranged idealism of the whole thing.

What are the pros and cons of the Canadian Healthcare System?

Pro: Universal access to health care for all Con: Priority assessment means some must wait longer

Why are so many people utterly ignorant about how universal healthcare works?

With the current depbate about it tin the United States there is much information and false information going around. Some of the false information is from people who do not understand it and some is deliberately false infrmation frompeople who are opposed to Health Care. Those in favour of Health care have also produced a lot of false information as well.

You read the material is discussing some similarities and differences differences between the government of the United States and Canada one major differences has to do with the government responsibility for?

the provision of healthcare. In Canada, the government has a universal healthcare system where healthcare services are publicly funded and provided to all residents. In the United States, healthcare is primarily private, with individuals responsible for obtaining their own healthcare insurance or paying for medical services out-of-pocket.

Why did some Americans oppose the practice on deferment?

Some Americans opposed the initial proposal of draft deferment because they were not in favor of deferment. The main reason for their opposition was that they opposed deferment. During this time period many Americans felt that the deferment was something that they should be opposed to. Because they were opposed to deferment, some Americans, felt the need to oppose deferment, they did this to oppose the deferment, in order to show that they opposed deferment. The following people are historical figures that were opposed to deferment: John Locke, Kate Austin, Jin Kwon, Sun Kwon, Hugo Reyes, Claire Littleton, Jack Shepard (not to be confused with Jack Bauer), Benjamin Linus, Richard Alpert, James Ford, Charlie Pace (of DriveShaft), Desmond Hume, Sayid Jarrah, Charles Widmore, Daniel Faraday, Michael Dawson, and Jacob. (REAL ANSWER) Seriously though, Americans opposed deferment for many reasons, mainly because it allowed people to "chicken out" of fighting for their country, and the people who did this are referred to as "draft dodgers" (REAL ANSWER) "What Happened?" Sayid Jarrah

Why did some African Americans opposed to American colonization Society's plan for migration back to Africa?

Some had been born in the United States and considered it to be their home.

Why were some Americans opposed to the constituton?

i don't know so look somewhere else b/c another website knows