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Q: Why are some coral poisonous?
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Does coral snake poisonous?

Yes - Coral snakes are a venomous species of snake.

Are barracuda poisonous?

The flesh of some coral reef fish that the great barracuda eats is poisonous and so the barracuda's flesh becomes poisonous too. This may explain why barracudas in some areas are poisonous, while those from elsewhere are perfectly safe to eat.

Are types of coral poisonous?

Yes, button corals are poisonous if we touch them

Are Maltese coral snakes poisonous?

Yes ~by fangs

Are coral snakes posionous?

Some coral snakes are poisonous. Some are not. The ones that are poisonous have very powerful neurotoxic venom. Remember this saying.... if the color is red on yellow-kill a fellow if the color is red on black-venom lack

Is the green snake of the Florida everglades poisonous?

No, only poisonous ones there are cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlesnakes, coral snake.

Is it dangerous to touch a coral reef?

Yes. According to many researchers, coral reefs are highly poisonous and they can cause blood poisoning on some occasions. Not only the coral reef blades are sharp, but it is also known to do serious lacerations and release toxic.

Is there poisons spiders in Texas?

Some Texas snakes are poisonous. There are rattlesnakes, coral snakes, copperheads and Cotton Mouth Water Moccasins in Texas, all of which are poisonous. Of course, there are many non-poisonous snakes too.

Are coral snakes poisonous and do they feed mainly at night?

Yes - Coral Snakes are venomous - they feed during the day when their bodies have warmed up.

Can you name some poisonous snakes in Gujarat?

some poisonous snakes in gujarat are Cobra,Krait, Saw scaled viper,Russell's Viper ,common slender Coral snake

Why are corals called stingers?

Some species of coral are actually poisonous. Coral is composed of tiny little animals called polyps, that create the hard, white skeleton we know to be a coral reef. The tissues of the polyps create the unique colors of each species of coral as they live together in groups, but some species carry toxins. When brushed or scraped against, the polyps in the coral skeleton will release their toxins as a method of self defense. This can be quite painful and can cause serious rashes, allergic reactions, infections and scarring. Wounds from poisonous corals must be treated immediately with antibiotics to prevent increased tissue damage.

Classify the color patterns of harmless California kingsnake which resemble those of the poisonous western coral snake as mimicry or camouflage.explain?

Classify the color patterns of the harmless California kingsnake, which resemble those of the poisonous western coral snake, as mimicry or camouflage. Explain.