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Animals are brightly coloured for different reasons:

a. To blend in with their surroundings. (Some animals are dark coloured instead for the same purpose, though.)

b. To attract a mate. (Usually the males are more brightly coloured, which is unfair.)

c. To attract their prey.

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Because it is posionious.

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so other things dont eat them

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Q: Why are some frogs brightly colored?
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Why do poisonous frogs have brightly-colored skin?

To warn potential predators that they are toxic.

Is all colourful frog are poisionous if yes then why?

No. Some frogs are brightly colored to mimic a poisonous frog so that predators do think it is poisonous.

How do you know if the frog in your yard is poisonous?

Frogs that are very brilliantly and brightly colored are poisonous, and usually dull colored ones are not poisonous.

Are all brightly colored frogs poisonous?

No they r not poisonous you dumbo thats so rediculous OMG wow your dumb good luck :D

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Some different species of birds

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brightly colored males:)

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Because they are trying to warn predators that they are poisiness

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To attract pollinators.

What are three ways that rainforest animals survive in their habitat?

1) They live in a level of the rainforest that protects them from predators. (ex: small climbing animals go higher to get away from large animals on the forst floor) 2) They have developed adaptations that help them. (ex: some birds make hanging nests that keep eggs away from predators) 3) They can be very brightly colored. This is either for attracting a mate, or to keep from being eaten. (ex: poisonous frogs are brightly colored, so some harmless frogs may be brightly colored to make predators think they're poisonous)

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Cocks were created with brightly colored feathers to make them noticeable to females who may be attracted to the colors.

What is a brightly colored blanket or cloak?

A brightly colored blanket or cloak is called a serape. It is worn in Mexico, Central America and South America.

Where can you buy some closed cell foam backer rod which is brightly colored?

i do not know sorry