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Because "African Americans" are not really "African". They are the people of The Bible - Israelites. "White Americans" are the Biblical group "Edom". Edomites will always hate Israelites. It's how God set it up. Read the Bible.

Too learn more about why people are still racist against Israelites from the tribe of Judah (the so-called American Blacks), study this site:

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When whites first discovered Africa, they noticed how much more advanced European(white) society was compared to them. For example they still had spears while we had guns. The had straw huts and we had castles. Everything about European technology was more advanced, fact. However, some took this to mean that white people are superior to blacks because whites had the superior technology.

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Q: Why are some white people racist to black people?
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Some Black people hold the belief that they were once slaves to the current generation of White people, so they believe that their ancestors have given them the ability to be racist to white folks who have done nothing to them.

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Racism involves systemic power dynamics, so while individuals of any race can hold prejudiced beliefs or exhibit discriminatory behavior, for a black person to be racist towards a white person, they would need to have societal power over that person based on their race, which is not the case in many societies.

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It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.

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Yes. There are racist cops in every race. Some Black cops have been charged for beating White people. Some White cops have been charged for beating up Black people. Some Chinese cops have been charged for beating up Black and White people etc.

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No. Some white people were still racist back in the day. Some are still today but not as much like back in the day.

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Not all black people are racist against white people, but the ones who are vary in reasons why. Some believing it's better to be racist against white people because of the hostile history of blacks and whites; therefore, they believe they will be discriminated against in the end, and will only end up hating white people anyway.

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Some whites were racist to blacks because they believed that people of African descent were inferior to people of European descent.

Is the statement 'Black lives matter' racist?

No it is not racist, but for some reason some people think it is.

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that is so racist! why cant you just say African Americans?? you pink purple red neck!

Is it racist to hate white people?

No. It is racist to hire people based on some simple basic go/no go condition such as are they the right race, religion, sex or hair colour before you will even consider them.A person hired as they can best fill the job whether they are white, black or a green leafy shrub is an honest choice.

Does Kanye West hate white people?

He has been quoted saying some.. not racist, but very demeaning things about white people.

Is Alabama racist?

Alabama is a nice city. There are a lot of white people and some Mexicans too, but Alabama accepts black people there as well. Every place that I go to, white and black people walk, talk and laugh together. Although you will ultimately find, racism of mild sorts, any where you travel in the world.