

Best Answer The main cause is a combination of suppressed anger from being hurt, inability to deal with or understand new emotional issues and peer pressure.

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12y ago

You cant group all teens together and label them ALL as violent. Some are mainly more so than adults because they are more hormonal, and think anout consequences much less.

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Q: Why are teens violent?
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What kind of teens are violent?

There is not a specific type of teenager that is violent.

Do violent games influence teens to be violent?

Teens actually have a deliberate choice in the matter. However, what images and attitudes a child takes and repeats during play most definitely influences their conscious choices and personality development. In that aspect, yes, they are definitely responsible for much violent behavior in teens.

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the majority of teens who are violent during adolescence leave it behind as they enter into adulthood Because they are black.

How many teens swear because of violent video games?

The number is LARGE! lol. but a lot of "Teens" cuss when they are playing video games.

What crimes would you think teens should be charged as adults for?

Premeditated violent murder

Which fact is true regarding the myth of predicting which people might become violent offenders?

the majority of teens who are violent during adolescence leave it behind as they enter into adulthood

Does violent video games and movies make people violent and more likely to commit crimes?

No violent games/films don't cause that behaviour. Its that parents blame video games/films for teens being out of control, doing drugs, gang-banging, etc. But as I said before violent games/films do not cause this behaviour. I should know because I've watched "violent" films and played "violent" games since I was little. I am a normal adult and am non-violent.

How do you make pamphlets appealing to teens?

try to make things funny or even violent that's what kids normally like

What age group is the most violent and why?

Individuals in the age group of 15-24 are often associated with higher levels of violence due to factors such as peer influence, impulsivity, and brain development. This age group is characterized by a search for identity and a higher likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors.

Why don't teens read the Bible?

According to my teen-age daughterBecause the Bible is too violent for her. She pretty much prefer to play Nintendo or PlayStation which is less violent [than the Bible] whenever she got bored.