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Because they can grow each time they are re-told.

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The Paul Bunyan stories are good examples of tall tales because they feature exaggerated and fantastical elements, such as Bunyan creating the Grand Canyon with his axe or dragging his own lake behind him. These stories often contain humor, extravagant feats, and larger-than-life characters, all of which are common traits of tall tales in American folklore.

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Q: Why are the Paul Bunyan stories good examples of tall tales?
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What are the nouns in this sentence Paul Bunyan is the hero of many tales?

Nouns in the sentence are "Paul Bunyan" and "tales."

What are some examples of a tall tale?

Examples of tall tales include stories about larger-than-life characters like Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill, who perform exaggerated feats such as carving out the Grand Canyon or using a tornado as a lasso. These tales are often humorous and involve incredible exaggerations or unlikely situations.

Who is Paul Bunyan?

Paul Bunyan's younger (and smaller) brother was Cordwood Pete.

What is Paul Bunyan a folktale or a tall tale?

Paul Bunyan is often considered a tall tale rather than a folktale. Tall tales are exaggerated, humorous stories that often feature larger-than-life characters like Paul Bunyan, known for his extraordinary feats and incredible strength. Folktales, on the other hand, are traditional stories passed down orally within a community.

What did Paul Bunyan do in his lifetime?

Paul Bunyan is a fable so he didn't do anything. The stories tell of several things he did that are impossible for normal people.

When did paul bunyan die?

Paul Bunyan was born in Maine on February 12 1834

What is the homophone of tail?

The homophone for "tail" is tale, meaning a story. Examples: Did you enjoy the tale of Paul Bunyan? She told a scary tale around the campfire on Halloween.

Who did Paul bunyan get married to?

He is a fictional character and he never married in any of the stories.

What are examples of folk tales?

Examples of folk tales include "Cinderella," "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Paul Bunyan," and "Anansi the Spider." These stories are passed down orally through generations and often feature fantastical elements and moral lessons. Folk tales are found in cultures all around the world.

What Comparesion stormalong and Paul Bunyan?

Both characters are larger-than-life figures from American folklore who are known for their incredible size and strength. While Paul Bunyan is a lumberjack known for his feats in logging, Stormalong is a sailor with stories of his maritime adventures. Both characters have exaggerated tales associated with them that showcase their extraordinary abilities.

What movies or stories would be considered a tall tale?

The stories of Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, and John Henry.

What is the height of Paul Bunyan?

Paul Bunyan is a legendary giant lumberjack in American folklore, so his height varies in different tales. He is often described as being anywhere from 7 to 10 feet tall.