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Because cancer is not bacterial or viral. It is caused by your body's own mutated cells that grow out of control, like weeds that kill off other plants. If any cell material from somebody else entered your body your immune system would try to kill it off which is why heart transplants reqiure anti rejection drugs. I'm not a medical guy but that's my understanding from what I have seen on TV programmes, talking to doctors etc.

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Q: Why are the disease caused by smoking not infetious?
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What disease is caused by smoking?

It causes bronchitis and lung cancer and heart disease.

Is lung disease caused by smoking?

According to the surgeon general, smoking can lead to a variety of diseases and cancers, including lung disease.

What kind of disease is known to be caused by smoking?

Lung cancer

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Lung cancer

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Is emphysema a respiratory disease?

Yes. It is usually caused by the destruction of lung tissue from smoking.

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smoking and eating chewing tobacco

What are heart diseases caused by smoking?

Smoking increase the risk of developing heart diseases, which includes coronary heart disease and stroke.

What disease begins with 'e'?

Emphysema. It's a disease of the lungs, generally caused by smoking. There are also the dreaded E-Coli and Ebola.

What three respiratory disease cause by smoking?

The three diseases caused by smoking are: 1) Emphysema 2) Lung cancer 3)Chronic bronchitis