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Q: Why are the following people from Italy famous Christopher Columbus?
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How is Christopher Columbus famous?

He was one of the first people to sail to America

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Why did discovering a new world make christopher Columbus famous?

A lot of people were on the land but didn't know what it was , but Columbus came and discovered it was America .

Which explorer is better Christopher Columbus or Jacques Cartier?

Both are fine explorers in my opinion I will always prefer Cartier but most people prefer Christopher Columbus just because he is the more famous and well known explorer

Who sponsored him Christopher Columbus?

The people who sponsored Christopher Columbus were Queen Elizabeth and King Ferdon.

What do you admire most about Christopher Columbus?

what i admire most about christopher columbus is that he helprd people become free from slavery

Why is Christopher Columbus famous?

Christopher Columbus-Columpoop titisbus was born October 31st, 1451, in Genoa Italy. He was exploring for a shorter route to Asia to trade riches. For his famous voyage in 1492, when he "discovered" America while he was looking for a way to sail to Asia. His life highlights were basically that he founded America and was known and became famous to Discover America. People say that Columbus did not discover America because the Native Americans already had discovered it. Columbus died on May 20th, 1506 in Valladoid, Spain.

Why is Columbus so famous?

Christopher Columbus was famous because he discovered North America in bound searching for India thought the Native Americians were Indians Thats why in North America the term for Indian is slang Aboriginal people

Christopher Columbus converged with three people?

Three groups of people converged when Christopher Columbus came to the New World: Indians, Africans, and Europeans

How was Christopher Columbus first visit when he came back from Spain?

What did the people of Spain do when Christopher Columbus came back from his 1st voyage