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Because the Gods and Goddessess of Norse Mythology can die. EX: Thor killed by Jou munger the serpent at ragnorak

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Q: Why are the major images of Norse Mythology very different from Greek Mythology?
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Who is Thor in greek mythology?

Thor was in Norse mythology, not Greek. He was the Norse god of thunder and war.

What is the Norse mythology name for Artemis?

There is not a Norse name for Artemis the Greek goddess. They are two very different cultures.

Does ares appear in the Norse mythology?

No, Ares the Greek god of war does not appear in Norse mythology.

Who was Hestia in Norse mythology?

Hestia is a Greek goddess of fire, hearth, and home - she was not in Norse mythology.

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Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth, home, and fire; she is not a part of Norse mythology.

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Hestia is a Greek goddess of home, hearth and fire, she is not a part of Norse mythology.

Is thor in Greek mythology?

No; Thor is Norse-Viking.

Is fenrir a greek god?

No, he is in fact a Norse god, He is the God of wolves in Norse mythology.

What was cupid's Norse name?

Norse mythology does not equate to Greek mythology in the same way that Roman mythology does. While Roman mythology borrowed extensively from its Greek counterpart, Norse mythology developed separately. The god in Greek mythology who possibly bears the strongest resemblance to Cupid is Baldur, the god of joy and light, sometimes described as a god of love. Love, however, was the goddess Freyja's domain.

How is fate in Norse mythology different from fate in greek and roman mythology?

In Norse mythology there are norns who decide on the fate of the world and no one can change that but in classical mythology there are fates - Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.They span the thread of human destiny and cut it off with shears when ever they wanted to.

Which three civilizations are in the age of mythology?

The three civilizations in Age of Mythology are Greek, Egyptian, and Norse.

Is siegfried from Greek myths?

No, Siegfried is a hero originating in Norse mythology.