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Because they are further from the sun.

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Q: Why are the temperatures of the gas giants colder than those of the inner planets?
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Related questions

For what reason did the inner planets not collect gas like the gas giants did?

The inner planets did not collect gas like the gas giants did because of their closeness to the Sun. The high temperatures allow for rocky, solid surfaces to form.

What do the inner planets consit of?

The inner planets are rocky and the outer planets are gas giants.

Inner planets compared to outer planets?

Inner Planets: Are rocky planets and smallOuter Planets: Are gas giants and giant

What is different between inner and outer planets?

The outer planets have rings and satellites And Inner planets are called terrestrial planets because they are rocky. (Like Earth.) and receive more of the sun's energy so they have higher temperatures

Name the outer planets and describe three feature they share?

The outer planets' names are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The 4 outer planets closest to the sun are all known as the gas giants. They all have a longer year than the inner planets. And they all are colder than the inner planets.

What is a common feature of inner planets?

The inner planets are all terrestrial - they are "rocky". The outer planets are gas giants.

What is the main difference between the inner planets and the outer planets?

The inner planets are smaller, and do not have the dense atmospheres of the outer planets. The four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) have warmer temperatures than the exteriors of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune).The "gas giants" have very hot lower atmospheres, caused by the intense pressure. The atmospheres are mostly hydrogen, but for Uranus and Neptune there are higher levels of water, methane, and ammonia. All of the gas giants have multiple moons and rings, the most visible being the ice rings around Saturn.they are divided by inner and outer and the outer planet are the planets that have bigger planets.

How does the temperature of the inner planets compare to the temperature of the outer planets?

The inner ones are hotter and the outer ones are colder

How do the sizes of inner planets compare to the sizes of gas giants?

The sizes of inner planets are generally smaller compared to the sizes of the gas giants. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The gas giants are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Is this true or false that the inner plants are gas giants and the outer planets are rocky?

False. The outer planets are gas giants (although they have a solid core). The inner planets are 'rocky'.

What do the outer planets have that the inner planets do not have?

outer planets are gas giants whille inner planets are just rocky planets. that includes that outer planets have significant amount of mass than the inner planets

What planets can be found in the solar system?

inner planets and gas giants