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See the link below, and scroll down to the stories about "Jack of the lantern".

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Q: Why are the vegetable lanterns called jack-o'-lantern?
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Why are the vegetable lanterns called jack o lanterns?

cuz when jack lost his face he made a design of his face and so he could see he but a lantern so yeah

Out of which vegetable were Jack O’ Lanterns originally made?


What were the first jackolantern carved from?

The first Jack of the Lanterns were probably carved into a turnip or potato. The turnip eventually became the Jack o' Lantern vegetable, that is, until those people (from Ireland) started moving to America. They could not find many turnips, so they started carving pumpkins, instead.

Jack o lanterns were originally carved using what vegetable?


What vegetable was first used to make a jack-o'-lanterns?


Are there any jackolantern stencils that do not require candles?

No, there is not any type of Halloween jackolantern stencils since all jackolantern stencils do require candles. Candles help to light up the hard work put into creating a jackolantern.

The ancient Celts used what vegetable to carve there jack-o'-lanterns?


Jack-O-Lanterns were originally carved using what vegetable?

"Turnips" and sometimes potatoes.

What vegetable is commonly made into Jack-o-Lanterns and used as spooky Halloween decorations?


What vegetable did Irish and Scottish children use for making jack-o-lanterns?

squash or gourds

Is the Halloween pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?

Well, pumpkins are always fruits, but on Halloween they're lanterns.

Why are Chinese lanterns called Chinese lanterns?

It is believed that the Chinese first invented lanterns.So it is called Chinese lantern.