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Cause they're made of cubic zirconia, which is greater than or equal to the hypotenuse of a right triangle

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Q: Why are there baby snails on the concrete?
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Related questions

Is there a recipe for risotto with baby snails?

No, there is not a recipe for risotto with baby snails.

Where do baby snails come from?

Grown up snails

Can a snail have baby snails by it self?

Some snails can self-fertilize, such as Helix aspersa, but not all snails can.

Do sea snails care for baby sea snails that are not their own?

no, they care for there own

If the mama snail dies and the daddy what will happen to the baby snails?

There is no parental care amongst snails. As soon as the eggs are laid the baby snails are on there own. Its really no big deal.

Are baby snails microscopic?


How do garden snails have baby garden snails?

I've already answered a similar qst. Jst type in : How do snails make more snails and u'll find my answer.

How many baby's do garden snails have?

they have about 450.

What eats baby snails?

Frogs, birds, and alligators.

Do baby African snails look after themselves?


You have some baby African snails and they have lost their shells is this normal?

no but it happens 10/50 of snails have lost there shells

How many baby snails in a egg sack?

There are over a hundred snails!