

Can a snail have baby snails by it self?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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Some snails can self-fertilize, such as Helix aspersa, but not all snails can.

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Q: Can a snail have baby snails by it self?
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What is the name of a baby snail?

a baby snail is called a baby snail they don't have a name.

How does a mothers snail have a bay snail quick?

If you mean baby snail, snails lay eggs. After a time of growth, they hatch into baby snails. No way to hury it up. Sorry.

Snail offspring name?

The offspring of a snail does not have a specific name. They are simply referred to as baby snails or snail offspring.

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A fish egg has baby fish in it, a snail egg has baby snails in it!

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The smaller snail might be a baby and needs protection from other snails. Or it is an orphan and the bigger snail took it in

Can a land snail and a water snail have a baby?

yes but only if they have it with other baby snails

If your snails mate and have a baby snail will the baby jump on their mothers or fathers back?

fathers back

If the mama snail dies and the daddy what will happen to the baby snails?

There is no parental care amongst snails. As soon as the eggs are laid the baby snails are on there own. Its really no big deal.

Why was there one snail in tank and now there are baby snails?

Most likely cause you bought a female snail that has mated in the pet store. Female snails are capable of carying male fertilization for weeks.

How can a female snail mate without a male?

well, snails are a in the family of Hermaphrodites - which means they have both male and female sex organs. So that means that a snail can have random sex to fertilise both the snails eggs to produce baby snails.

When a boy and a girl snail meet how long deos it take for a baby snails to arrive?

It depends

What is inside a seashell?

A snail shell is hollow, snails hide in them to protect themselves