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I would say there are more moderates than either Liberals and Conservatives.

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13y ago
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6y ago

Because conservatives, for some reason, are generally less gay-friendly. Those who are gay will side with whoever treats them better, i.e. Liberals, who are mostly pro-gay.

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6y ago

For now, it's all about equality. LIberals are more likely to support gay equality than conservatives. In the future, that could change.

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Q: Why are there more gay liberals than gay conservatives?
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How do liberals and conservatives feel about gay marriage?

Most liberals like it. Most conservatives hate it. Liberals see the limiting of marriage to heterosexual couples only as discriminatory and unconstitutional. Conservatives view the legalization of same-sex marriage as a violation of their own personal religious beliefs and a long-standing tradition of oppressing gays and lesbians.

Are the majority of gays and lesbians Republican?

A gay person is no different than anyone else during the elections. They have the right to vote Republican or democrat, However, these parties are split into liberals and conservatives. Liberals believe in gay rights and conservatives mainly are against the gay rights agenda. A majority of gays vote democrat for this reason.

What are the issues liberals and conservatives tend to support and oppose?

Liberals believe in socially progressive ideas ( gay rights, race rights) and public programs for the poor and needy. (Public health care) Conservatives believe in the power of private enterprise and no public programs (Privatize social security) . Many have socially regressive ideas (prop 8 ect)

Is being gay liberal or conservative?

It doesn't matter whether you are gay or not, in order be consider yourself liberal or conservative. Usually, conservatives have more moral objections to homosexuality, whether it is openly displayed or not. Liberals tends to be a bit more open-minded when it comes to homosexuality. Of course there are exceptions to be found in both groups. A liberal person can be liberal about things like euthanasia and abortion, and won't support gay marriage. Conservatives can maitain a very conservative policy towards politics or economics, and find less objections to supporting gay marriage or other similar issues.

What are the Beliefs of liberals?

Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.

Is US moving socialist?

No. If anything, the United States has been moving right-ward over the last two decades, with a singular exception for gay rights. Liberals today are fighting for the creation of laws based on what Conservatives of the 1980s were espousing. Ideas of Liberals in the 1960s would seem out place today.

What are the liberal beliefs?

Liberals generally believe in more government involvement in our lives. For example they are for entitlement programs such as welfare, and social security. They also believe that things like abortion, and gay marriage should be legal. Primarily most middle and lower class people are liberal, because liberals are for usually for helping "Main Street America." However, there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance, some conservatives are for Main Street, and some upper class citizens are identified as liberals.

Do liberals like gay marriage?

People who identify as liberal generally support equality for all people, and that includes LGBT people. If that can be called "like" then it is safe to say liberals "like" gay marriage.

Why do conservatives bully liberals and other minorities?

People who identify themselves as conservativesdefinitely could be considered bullies because of extreme actions they take such as discriminating on someone who is gay because it's against his/her religious beliefs. Also to mention that they do like to wreck a town or city whenever it comes to a specific event such as winning or losing a sports game. Overall, conservatives are nothing but a bunch cults and rioters. They are the ones who deserve to be far weird than anybody else in the whole nation.

How are the views of an English liberal in 1830 different from that of an English liberal in 1900?

Because 1830 liberals were gay, while 1900 liberals were demonic spawns

Who is more likely to oppose same-sex marriage a Democrat or a Republican?

Republicans are the most prominent when it comes to opposing gay marriage. It really depends on of they are conservative or liberal. Liberals are mostly for gay marriage.

Are the Bulldogs Gay?

Yes They are they are more gay than a gay bar