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Both scoria and pumice form from molten material with gas trapped inside.The gas forms bubbles in the liquid, then the liquid solidifies, retaining the shape of the bubbles.

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Q: Why are there vesicles in pumice and scoria?
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What are vesicles in an igneous rock?

Vesicles are rounded spaces that appear in igneous rocks from the solidification of the magma around gas bubbles. Pumice, scoria, and vesicular basalt are igneous rocks that contain vesicles.

Igneous feature would you find rocks with a vesicular texture?

Vesicular igneous rocks cool quickly from magma, resulting in pockets of trapped gas or gas bubble imprints that make it appear porous. Pumice and scoria are examples of igneous rock with vesicles.

What type of volcanic rock contains a large number of vesicles that form when gases escape from the solidifying melt?

This is a good description of both pumice and scoria.

Is sandstone a scoria granite or pumice?

None of those. Scoria, Pumice and Granite are igneous rocks. Sandstone is sedimentary.

Will scoria float or sink in water?

scoria will sink but pumice will float.

Are Scoria and Pumice pyroclastic rocks?


Can pumice be red?

No. However there is a similar rock to pumice called scoria, which is sometimes red.

Is pumice in a example of a mafic igneous rock?

No. Pumice is usually intermediate or felsic. The mafic equivalent of pumice is scoria.

One kind of volcanic glass that has holes caused by pockets of gas?

Scoria is the best answer, but under some circumstances, probably pumice

What is a rock formed from lava that cooled quickly and entrapped air and other gases and is similar to scoria?

Pumice is similar to scoria in appearance and formed from very rapidly cooled lava, entrapping expanding gas in the form of air pockets and ruptured bubbles, giving it a vesicular texture.

Why does scoria have a similar texture to pumice but does not float on water like pumice?

Scoria has thicker vesicle walls than pumice does. This means it has a lower proportion of open space in it, making it less dense than water.

What rocks float?

Vessicular Rocks. Eg Scoria and Pumice.