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the lactic acid builds up

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Q: Why are your outer thigh muscles sore to the touch?
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Does anybody else still get sore from your inner thigh to your stomach muscles after bowling for 10 months?


What muscle will get sore from doing too many situps?

The sartorius muscles extending from the front of thigh around the knee,the hamstrings,the calf muscles-Achilles tendons when overworked by too many sit ups produce lactic acid that makes the muscles sore.

Your skin is sore on your thigh but no rash?

your pants are to tight

Why do your muscles feel sore after training?


What six letter word starting with A means when the muscles of the body are sore?

Aching is a 6 letter word that describes sore muscles.

What is it called when your thigh muscle is in a lot of pain in everything you do?

it means your quadrocept is sore

What is the chemical cause of sore muscles?

Lactic acid settling in the muscles

In order to get a cold sore does someone have to come in direct contact with an active sore?

no it can be spread if you eat or drink the same consumables as the cold sore person or if they touch their face and then touch you or a door knob and then you touch the door knob and then touch your face

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Why are your breasts not sore?

they do get sore when it is time for the females PMS they get so sore that any touch to them hurts the female

Are sore muscles a sign that you are gaining strength?

Sore muscles are a sign you are over doing it. You should take it easy if you are just starting out, if not let your muscles gradually work out to getting what it is you wish to reach.