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Q: Why athletes should drink solutions that are isotonic to body fluids rather than ones that are hypotonic to body fluids?
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Which of the 3 intravenous solutions isotonic hypotonic hypertonic has more electrolytes andor glucose content - please differentiate the three solutions based on the mentioned content?

Hypertonic solutions have more electrolytes....HYPER meaning greater/more/excessive. Hypotonic have the least electrolyes. Isotonic have the similar electroly (osmolality) as blood. Meaning if you give isotonic solutions, the fluid will saty in the vessels and not move fluids around. Hypertonic solutions will move water from the cells into the vessels (extracellualr) and hypotonic solution will move water from fluid from the vessels into the cells. Glucose is usually an iso or hypertonic solution, but there are different % of glucose in every solution. D5W is an isotonic solution.

What you would administer hypertonic isotonic and hypotonic solution for?

Hypertonic solutions contain higher concentrations of various dilutes than blood, Isotonic solutions contain the same concentrations, and Hypotonic solutions contain less of its dilute components than blood. As such, you might deliver hypertonic saline to a patient who is electrolytically depleted, an isotonic to a patient whose blood chemistry is good but is hypovolemic, and a hypotonic like D5W to a dehydrated patient whose electrolytes are very high in spite of the dehydration. It's a way of adding fluids and trying to balance the blood chemistry at the same time.

Why transfusion fluids are made isotonic with blood plasma?

Expand blood volume to help a fluid deficit. Isotonic is used because they don't move water in or out of the cell- meaning they are most compatible with human blood as opposed to hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.

Why are isotonic solutions used as parenteral solutions?

this is because isotonic solutions are fluids that contains the same concentration of solutes as plasma in human..(*_*) that's what i think..._pinkay

Is 0.225 percent sodium chloride hypertonic or hypotonic?

0.9% sodium chloride is isotonic, thus 0.45 and 0.225 % sodium chloride solutions are hypotonic. osmolarity of 0.9% is 308 mOsm/L and 0.45 is 154 and 0.225 is 77 mOsm/L and body fluids have an osmolarity 250-300 mOsm/L.

What is the biology term of isotonic?

If you're asking about what the term isotonic means...there are three basic types of solutions- Hypertonic, Hypotonic and Isotonic Hypertonic Solutions are solutions that contain more solute than the other solution in question. Hypotonic solutions are less concentrated with solute than the other solution (When i refer to the "other solution" usually when you talk about isotonic solutions etc, you are talking about it in reference to another solution) Isotonic solutions are solutions that contain an EQUAL amount of solute with the other solution and the solute diffuses equally from one solution to the other... SOrry if anything is innaccurate, but a proper definition (other than mine) shouldn't be hard to get once you understand this...

What is a solution called when it has a lesser concentration of particles?

A solution with the same solute concentration as another (e.g. human body fluids) is called isotonic.

What are Examples of isotonic fluid?

Normal saline is an example of an isotonic fluid. It contains 0.9% salt in water.An isotonic solution is a solution that contains the same concentration of solutes (dissolved particles) as blood. Isotonic saline is an example. Isotonic saline is a solution with the same concentration of salts as human blood.

Why athletes should drink solutions that are isotonic to body fluids when they exercise?

Because they lose plenty of those as they sweat. Normally, we get enough through our food to cover what we lose through sweating, but if we're sweating (a lot) more than usually, we might need supplements.

Is D5W Isotonic or Hypertonic?

Normal Saline Solution in 5% Dextrose or D5NSS is a hypertonic solution. It can be used for the temporary treatment of shock if plasma expanders are not available. However, do not administer this IV for clients with cardiac or renal conditions.

Is d5w isotonic when mixed with 0.9 percent NaCl?

D5w and 0.9 ns are both isotonic solutions (osmolarity is similar to body fluids). When combined however, the solution becomes hypertonic (osmolarity is greater than body fluids). When administered iv, d5w .9 ns pulls fluid from cells and interstitial space into blood vessels.

What are hypotonic intravenous fluids?

The body fluids shift out of the blood vessels and into the interstitial space. These fluids are used for re-hydration.