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DON'T KILL BEES!!!! Bees pollinate everything and without bees we'd be hard up for a good food supply throughout the world. Bees harm nothing! When you poisoned the hive you killed some bees and those that fall to the ground and are crawling around are stunned or disorientated. The next time you want to get rid of bees and their hive call a beekeeper in and they'd be glad to take it from you for free! Beekeepers are alarmed in the U.S. and Canada that their hives are full of dead bees. i have flower gardens and make a point of buying flowering shrubs or flowers that actually attract bees and I've never been stun once by them. I've even had them crawling on arms or on my hands. The only time normal bees will sting is if you accidently stepped on one in bare feet or put your hand down on them. It's their way of survival. Other than that bees do not swarm after people, only killer bees do (more aggressive thanks to science.) One shouldn't fool Mother Nature like that.

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Q: Why bees fall to the ground after poisoning their nests?
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