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H. pylori live in the mucous lining of the stomach. Safe inside there, they are able to fight the stomach acid that does reach it with urease it releases. Urease converts the urea in the stomach into bicarbonate and ammonia, which are strong bases. This creates a cloud of acid-neutralizing chemicals around the H. pylori, protecting it from stomach acid.

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Q: Why can't bacteria survive in the stomach?
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What bacteria can survive the acidic conditions of the stomach?

Helicobacter Pylori

Why was it originally thought that bacteria could not be the cause of stomach ulcers?

The severe acidity of the stomach was thought to be too extreme for bacteria to survive.

Why was it originally thought that bacteria could not be cause of stomach ulcers?

The severe acidity of the stomach was thought to be too extreme for bacteria to survive.

Does the hydrochloric acid in the stomach kill bacteria?

Yes, hydrochloric acid can kill bacteria. That is one of the roles it plays in the human stomach. However some bacteria, such as E. Coli, can survive a dilute solution of it though.

How does stomach acid kill our bacteria?

A large portion of bacteria, though not all, can not survive in a low pH environment such as stomach acid. The bacteria dies from the corresive nature of low a low pH solution.

If you swallow a living fish how long can it survive in your stomach?

until you cant feel it moving anymore

How are bacteria in the stomach killed?

Stomach acid kills the bacteria

How does acid in the stomach kill bacteria?

The stomach acid makes the stomach a particularly hostile environment for bacteria. It is an too acidic an environment for most microorganisms to survive. In addition there are proteases that will digest most cells.

How does H. pylori cause stomach ulcers?

H. pylori are able to survive in stomach acid because they produce enzymes (special proteins) that neutralize the acid. This mechanism allows H. pylori bacteria to enter the stomach and make their way to the "safe" area - the protective mucous lining of the stomach wall. When the bacterium is in the mucous lining of the stomach, the body's natural defenses cannot reach it. The immune system will respond to an H. pylori infection but will not be able to kill the bacteria since they are hidden in the stomach lining. The immune system will keep sending infection fighters to the infection site and H. pylori will feed on the nutrients provided by the body, allowing them (the bacteria) to survive in the stomach environment.

What dangers do high level nitrates in the drinking water present for infants?

Humans and other animals usually have bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrates in their large intestines. For adults, the presence of these bacteria in the digestive system is not harmful, because the stomach of an adult is so acidic that the bacteria cannot survive. But the stomach of an infant is much less acidic, so the bacteria can move up into the stomach, where they will convert nitrates into nitrites. The nitrites can then pass into the blood of the infant.

What dangers do high levels of nitrates in the drinking water present for infants?

Humans and other animals usually have bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrates in their large intestines. For adults, the presence of these bacteria in the digestive system is not harmful, because the stomach of an adult is so acidic that the bacteria cannot survive. But the stomach of an infant is much less acidic, so the bacteria can move up into the stomach, where they will convert nitrates into nitrites. The nitrites can then pass into the blood of the infant.

What will happen to bacteria that enter stomach together with the food?

the bacteria is killed by the acid in the stomach.