

Why can't bettas be in the same tank together?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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bettas cant be in the same tank together because bettas wher ment to fight eachother or diffrent aquatic animals.

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Q: Why can't bettas be in the same tank together?
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Yes, you can just not have 2 male bettas together.

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Can two male bettas be toghether?

No the two male bettas will kill each other if they are put in the same tank.

Do bettas get lonley?

male bettas dont get lonley females do get lonley u should have atleast 5 females in the same tank *male bettas dont get lonley

Can you put a boy and girl betta fish in the same bowl?

Not for very long. Male and female bettas fight when in the same tank or bowl. They can be placed together briefly for mating purposes.

Can you keep two male betta fish in the same tank?

I have heard of people that have had two bettas in the same tank for years and they haven't faught. But make sure that the tank is over 20 gallons so they can have more room to get away from each other. But I recommend NOT to have two bettas in one tank.

Can betas live in the same tank as a snail and a crab?

Bettas do not mind snails at all. A crab with pinchers would dammage the bettas fins

What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.

Can male bettas and female bettas live together?

Male and female betta fish should not be kept in a tank together unless the tank is large enough for a female to escape attack, there is a partition or they are breeding. Males will kill the females. They are very aggressive and are not schooling fish.

Can you put two male bettas in the same tank without them fighting?

no they are too territorial

Can you put two bettas inone tank?

you can put two girl bettas in one tank but not the males

Will the eggs be safer with the female betta or the male betta?

both fish may eat the fish eggs, so i suggest you place the eggs in a small bowl or glass of water that you fill from the betta's tank. also, female and male bettas can e together. it is just the same gender that fight. So, you can put both bettas together and keep the eggs in the now vagant tank.