

Why can't blimps fly into space?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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The extreme temperatures of outer space would cause the blimps fabric covering to self destruct within seconds.

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Q: Why can't blimps fly into space?
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How do you fly to space?

You cant fly to space in Pokemon ruby,sapphire, or emerald. Though you can battle team aqua/magma in emerald at the space center hoped it helped!

How are air ships and modern day blimps the same?

They both can fly! You dumb!

Why cant you fly to space without a space ship?

-- Human beings can't fly at all, so you need some kind of machine to carry you. -- A car, boat, or bicycle won't do it, because they're restricted to stay on the surface. -- Balloons, hang-gliders, blimps, zeppelins, or airplanes won't do it either. All of them can leave the surface, but they all need air to fly in, and space has no air. -- You could fly to space out of a large sling-shot or a cannon, that could fling you out there. But there's no food, water, air, or reading material in space, so you can't live in space if you don't take all that stuff with you. -- So it pretty much comes down to using a space ship. It can fly, it can carry you, it can operate even where there's no air, and it can carry all the gear and supplies that you need to take with you when you go.

Do blimps need engines to fly?

no, but you need engines to control the airship (AKA blimp)

How do you fly into space on Poptropica?

You Cant You Can Fly In Super Power Island But Not Into Space Only In The Area But If You Have Not Completed The Island The Last Thing You Must Do You Will Fly Higher Than Before When You Capture Betty Jetty Hope That Helped!

Did buzz really fly to the moon?

No, coz if it does, it cant live on Earth, it can breath Space air

How can bad weather jeopardize a trip on a blimp?

Because blimps usually fly better when there is calm wind.

How do blimps fly?

They are filled with helium gas. They used to be filled with hydrogen gas but that proved to be deadly at times.

Balloons forced German aircraft to fly at higher altitudes and thus decreased their bombing accuracy.?


Why cant an aeropane fly into space?

Because planes need air pressure against their wings to generate lift.

How are hot air balloons blimps and dirigibles similar?

um dont ask me omg man