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Generally metals form ionic compounds because they lose one or more electrons and form positively charged ions. Opposite charges attract, similar charges repel. usually another atom (often a non-metal) accepts one or more electrons becoming negatively charged and this is attracted to the metal ion.

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Q: Why can't metals make ionic bonds with one another?
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What is the difference between metals and ionic bonds?

Ionic bond is the bond between anion and cation whereas metallic bond is the come between the molecules of the metal atom

Is CH3OH ionic bonding?

No CH3OH is a covalent compound becauseAn Ionic bond is formed between metals and nonmetalAs there are no metals in this compound so it cant be an ionic bond

What are the 3 main types of bonds?

There are three major types of chemical bonds: ionic, covalent, and metallic.

Is NACL ionic or covalent bonds why cant it be covalent bond?

NaCl is a type of ionic bond. because it formed by the Na+ and Cl- ions formed in the process of ionization.

In an ionic compound the attractions between cations and hold the compounds toughter?

Why cant you just answer his question? The answer to the worksheet you are doing is covalent bonds

Why do metals bond?

All metals don't stick to magnets because they are alike and if they are alike they repel each others. ^sucks^ The three pure metals that don't stick to magnets are copper, silver, and gold.

Why can't an ionic bond form between fluorine and oxygen?

ionic bond cant form between oxygen and fluorine because ionic bond happen between one metal and one non metal and these both are non metals so covalent boding will happen between these fluorine and oxygen.

What does the transition metals mean on the periodic table?

it means they are metals that cant be melted

Is CoCl2 ionic or covalent?

Chlorine can form both ionic and covalent bonds, depending on what it is bonded with. If bonded with a metal, it will form an ionic bond. If bonded with a non-metal, it will form a covalent bond.

Can water molecules can pull ionic compounds apart?

no it cant

Why cant an ionic bond form between potassium and magnesium's?

Both elements are metals, so react by losing electrons. Potassium will form a 1+ ion and magnesium will form a 2+ ion. These aren't oppositely charged, therefore, can't form an ionic bond. Also, there is nothing available to accept the electrons lost.

Are non metals magnetic?

no you cant because they dont have the ability to do that.