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you have to had red for yuop because 67i876r5 is red guts dopg llo kij mjklfdshfgcbdsavgfcjhsdbavhjdsavbfhjdsajvnkcdbsajvcdsjafhjkdsahfjkdsahfjkdsla sand hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahhahahahahhahahahaahahahahahhAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA\


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Q: Why can't the us eliminate all nuclear threats?
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Why do people have to test nukes at nuclear power plants?

Nuclear weapons are NOT tested at nuclear power plants!!!! They are tested at remote locations far from population centers, and responsible countries do all their testing underground to eliminate the fallout hazard.

How do you all unite and beat the New World Order?

Someone has to have the guts to get up and eliminate the threats to our freedom.Once someone takes the first step people all over the world will follow suit.Then the politicians and other conpirators will be afraid not to obey the law and the will of the people.History has shown this is the only way.

What threats can water buffalo have?

All kinds of threats, pretty much as many threats as any other animal has: predators, disease, injuries, starvation, dehydration, etc.

Based on the events and ideologies of the countries involved in the Cold War why didn't a nuclear war break out despite threats from Korea Vietnam Hungary Cuba and Tibet?

Perhaps people of all ideologies prefer to be alive instead of dead.

What was main concern in America during the cold war?

Defense of escalating nuclear attack threats, and stopping the growth of communist countries.

Is radiation from japan dangerous to California?

Small amounts of radiation from damaged nuclear plants in Japan have already reached California but they pose no health threats at all. Any radiation that reaches California from Japan is well dissipated by the time it gets there.

Is it illegal to make death threats to someone through the internet in all 50 states?

Yes. It is illegal to make death threats in any form in all states.

What is a sentence for the word eliminate?

A good way to address pollution is to eliminate the sources that produce it. The panel of judges was forced to eliminate all but the best ten singers. If you eliminate a middleman and buy direct, you can save money.

Why did Hitler attempt to eliminate all the Jews of the world?

Hitler attempted to eliminate all the Jews of the world for a couple of reasons. Hitler did not like the Jews.

Environmental threats to information systems include all?

Environmental threats to information systems include all forms of natural disasters. This can also happen as a result of human error.

What protozoan has nuclear membranes?

All protozoans have a nuclear membrane.

Are nuclear reactions and nuclear fusions the same thing?

Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction, but so is fission. So not all nuclear reactions are fission.