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Energy drinks typically contain high amounts of caffeine and sugar, both of which can affect your ability to fall asleep.

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Q: Why can't you sleep when you just drink energy drink?
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What age is it safe to drink a energy drink?

im 14 and i drink quite a bit of energy drinks and i started drinking them when i just turned 13. just dont have too many.

What do cats do to live?

Just like us, they have to eat, drink and sleep to live.

How do you get energy in virtual families2?

We'll u just get sleep

Do energy drinks helps you?

People Say That Energy Drinks Make You Hyper Or Lively, I Think That Is Just Wrong Because They Have Just Got That Idea In Their Heads Because Of The Name Of The Drink ''ENERGY Drink''. I Always Drink Energy Drinks But I Dont Seem Any Different Or More Intellegent.

Why do leopards go to sleep?

they need energy just like us. So they need to sleep to get "recharged"

How do you determine the number of energy levels?

The number of energy levels in an atom is determined by the principal quantum number (n), with each energy level corresponding to a unique value of n. For example, when n=1, there is one energy level, n=2 has two energy levels, and so on. The formula to calculate the maximum number of energy levels within an atom is given by 2n^2.

How do you know if he really want to be with you?

If he tells you he cant sleep at nite cuz all he thinks about is you sorry...that MELTS me!!! cuz ya no when you are so in love with someone you cant wait to see them the next day and ya just cant sleep sra:p

Is Mizuno Elixir a good energy drink or is it just sugar?

Mizuno Elixir is not an energy drink but, in fact, a brand of running shoes. Therefore, I can honestly conclude that it is probably not a good energy drink for your fitness program.

Help im so excited for eclipse you cant sleep?

If you can't sleep just concentrate on your own breathing and think of nothing. It worked for me!

What can you do if your pet pig cant sleep?

just to let you know guinea pigs sleep with their eyes open for danger it is in their blood don't worry

Are there steroids in energy drinks?

no,steroids are not energy drink..They just stimulate the body muscles.

Do energy bars give a human body more energy than an energy drink?

Energy are just calories. So it depends on the energy bar and drink, but generally, most energy bars contain more calories than most energy drinks.