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Q: Why can alcohols be used as fuels?
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What are the bio alcohol fuels?

Alcohols has been used as a fuel. The first four alcohols (methanol, ethanol,propanol and butanno are of interest as fuels because they can be synthesized chemically or biologically. And these fules are also known as bio alcohol fules.

How do you spell emothanal?

The word sought may be the adjective "emotional" (displaying emotions). Similarly-spelled terms are ethanol and methanol, alcohols used mainly as fuels.

What are alcohols used for?

Alcohols are a class of chemical compounds that include beverage (ethyl) alcohol and several dozen others. They are used for a wide variety of purposes that include acting as catalysts for chemical reactions, ingredients in cosmetics, solvents, additives for certain fuels, disinfectants, and many more.

How are methanol and ethanol made...Bio fuels?

Yeasts eat sugars in anaerobic conditions and produce alcohols as a waste product.

What kind of alcohols can be used to prepare aldehydes?

All primary (10) alcohols may be oxidized to aldehydes.

What are alcohols used in?

alcohole is used for medical purposes such as alcohole wipes.

Why are alcohols used in widow washing liquid?


Why can't you used calcium chloride to dry methanol?

Because calcium chloride reacts with alcohols to form alcohols of crystallization you CHEM 2380 LOSER.

Are fossil fuels used to produce energy?

All fuels by definition are used to produce energy, fossil fuels are no exception. (Shorter answer: Yes.)

What oxidizing agents can be used to oxidize alcohols?


Why do you want to ferment the products?

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to make. But, fermentation is an easy, cheap way to make alcohols out of sugars using yeast. Alcohols, of course, have many uses from beverages, water purifiers, sanitizers, and vehicle fuels. Distillation can concentrate the alcohols if desired. Methane bioreaction/digestion is a very similar reaction which produces methane, generally using bacterial processes for a variety of purposes.

What type of alcohols is fischer esterification limited to?

Primary and secondary alcohols are commonly used in the process and work efficiently with an acid catalyst but tertiary alcohols can also be used in some cases under the right conditions. One the reasons that it is more difficult to use tertiary alcohols is because of the steric hinderance which exists in the molecule so there is too much molecular interaction for a stable compound to form.