

Why can mutation affect evolution?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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10y ago

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Mutation is the cause of evolution.

Mutation is what creates differences in individuals within a species, leading to diversion. Then "survival of the fittest" can occur.

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Q: Why can mutation affect evolution?
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For a mutation to affect evolution it must occur in?

For a mutation to affect evolution it must occur in the dominant allele. This allele is what is passed on.

Which kind of mutation has greater potential to affect the evolution of a population Explain?

A frame-shift mutation has greater potential to affect the evolution of a population because it can alter the entire reading frame of a gene, leading to a non-functional protein. This can result in significant changes to an organism's phenotype, potentially affecting its survival and reproduction, and thereby influencing the population's evolution.

How can mutation affect evolution?

Mutation can serve up the raw variation that natural selection selects from, thus alleles are changed over time in populations of organisms; evolution.

Why is mutation important to spectation?

Without mutation there can be no evolution. Without evolution there can be no speciation.

How can mutation rate affect the evolution of a population?

1. The mutation rates affect the evolution of the population by two factors. Firstly, every new mutation overcomes the effects of survival. When new mutations exist in one or two individuals, they are often lost from the population due to genetic drift, or change. For example, the mutation may never make it to a gamete and may get lost. Secondly, the selective value of the mutation can determine its affect of the population. If it's harmful then the selection would act to reduce its frequency and eventually remove it.

How does the mutations affect a species?

mutation is the ability to change in a species mutation help s the species to get better equipped with the environment .It is nothing but evolution for example mutation in the animals such monkeys paved the way for the humans to grow

Does mutation depend on evolution?

The mutation theory is basically stating that mutation is one of the major factors that cause evolution. The mutation has to be a beneficial mutation, meaning that it has to help the survival of the organism that got the mutation. The mutation causes knew genes and diversity which can spread quickly throughout a population and eventually change the frequency of alleles (causes mutation) Remember the mutation has to be beneficial to the survival of the organism.

Can mutation cause evolution?

not by itself

What is mutation and how is it related to evolution?

A mutation is any change in the DNA. Mutations provide the genetic variation that evolution by natural selection needs to select from.

What is a mutation and how does it relate to evolution?

A mutation is any change in the DNA. Mutations provide the genetic variation that evolution by natural selection needs to select from.

Is gene mutation within a species know as micro evolution?

Genetic mutation is one of the mechanisms for evolution.Micro-evolution by definition means very small changes in allele frequency (gene mutation).

What is the main force causing evolution?

Cell mutation