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Q: Why can pharmacists read the prescribed medicine of a doctor?
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How to take medicine?

You can read the directions on your bottle(s) or contact your doctor.

A sentence using the word dose?

Tom could not remember what the doctor has said was the amount of or dose he should take of the new medicine, and without his glasses he couldn't read the label to save his life which is what the doctor had said the medicine was suppose to do.

What pills are children not allowed to take?

Your question is too broad. You should not give any prescription medication to a child unless it has been prescribed for the child by the child's doctor. Then, give only the prescribed dose for as long as ordered. You should read the label of over-the-counter drugs carefully to determine if they can be administered to children. You should follow the directions carefully. If you have questions you should ask the child's doctor or the pharmacist.Your question is too broad. You should not give any prescription medication to a child unless it has been prescribed for the child by the child's doctor. Then, give only the prescribed dose for as long as ordered. You should read the label of over-the-counter drugs carefully to determine if they can be administered to children. You should follow the directions carefully. If you have questions you should ask the child's doctor or the pharmacist.Your question is too broad. You should not give any prescription medication to a child unless it has been prescribed for the child by the child's doctor. Then, give only the prescribed dose for as long as ordered. You should read the label of over-the-counter drugs carefully to determine if they can be administered to children. You should follow the directions carefully. If you have questions you should ask the child's doctor or the pharmacist.Your question is too broad. You should not give any prescription medication to a child unless it has been prescribed for the child by the child's doctor. Then, give only the prescribed dose for as long as ordered. You should read the label of over-the-counter drugs carefully to determine if they can be administered to children. You should follow the directions carefully. If you have questions you should ask the child's doctor or the pharmacist.

All you need to know to become a doctor?

GO TO COLLEGE!!! But you should also read books on medicine and doctorness. But u have to go to college for like, 8 years to become a certified doctor.

Why doctors have bad penmanship?

Because doctors think their time is more important than anyone else's. This includes the time the pharmacist has to waste trying to interpret their indecipherable scrawl and the time it takes the paramedics to resuscitate you when you take 100 times the dosage of the medicine you were actually prescribed if only someone could read the doctor's handwriting.

Can I give my seven year old mist Alba?

If the doctor says to. You do not give ANYBODY medication that is not prescribed by a doctor unless it is over-the-counter and you have read the directions very carefully.

What do you mean by Rx by doctors?

"Rx" means "prescription for medicine." The letters abbreviate the Latin word recipe, which is a form of the verb "to take."Doctors write Rx in the heading of prescriptions as an instruction to "take" the medicine. The pharmacists filling the orders understand this shorthand (and hopefully they can read the doctors' handwriting) and print it on pill bottles with whatever else doctors order, such as "take twice daily with food." Somewhere along the line, pharmacists started using "Rx" on their storefront signs so patients knew where to get their doctors' instructions translated.

Can Zoloft phentermine and xanax be taken together?

Yes, you can. I have for months now. Dr. prescribed. No problems. But I've read you can't take Valium with Zoloft.

Every pharmacist in hospital is a clinical pharmacist?

Depends on what hospital you are at and how you define "clinical." Hospitals employ two different types of pharmacists: dispensing pharmacists and clinical pharmacists. Dispensing pharmacists work in the actual pharmacy and read the orders and prepare the medication for the patients. Clinical pharmacist round on the floors with the doctors and ensure that patients are on the best medication. Clinical pharmacy jobs usually require a two year post graduate residency.

What is the best antibiotic for bronchitis?

I just went to the doctor after having a horrible cough and sore throat for over 10 days that would not go away. My doctor has prescribed cephalexin, an antibiotic, as well as a cough syrup with codeine. Although, I have been surfing the web and have read that antibiotics are really no good for bronchitis. Hmmm......????

Where can I find a good pharmacist job?

Pharmacists jobs aren't all at the local drugstore. Some pharmacists work in hospitals. Others work for pharmaceutical companies on new drug development. For a fascinating look at the field and where the jobs are, read website below: http://money.usnews.comMoneyCareers

My yeast infection is almost gone and my doctor prescribed me Terconazole Vaginal Cream 3-Day Regimen 0.8. I was just wondering if I do one treatment tonight and feel completely fine tomorrow could?

Read the instructions on the packet