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Q: Why can water remain in a narrow range of temperatures?
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Why can water remain within a narrow range of temperatures?

It has a high heat compasity

How does the Goldilocks zone help scientist narrow down the search for life on other planets?

The 'Goldilocks Zone,' or habitable zone, is the range of distance with the right temperatures for water to remain liquid. Discoveries in the Goldilocks Zone, like Earth-size planet Kepler-186f, are what scientists hope will lead us to water––and one day life.

What happens to the temperatures of a pot of boiling water as the water evaporates?

The temperature remain unchanged.

What is a substance that melts in a wide range of temperatures called?

water effects chemical

Why do bodies of water tend to moderate temperature swings from day to day?

Bodies tend to moderate temperatures swings from day to day because they remain relatively constant. The wind that blows over the water will carry temperatures to the land.

Why water is scarce?

Liquid water is scarce in the solar system because it exists within a very narrow range of temperatures. Fresh water on Earth is scarce in some areas because the climate does not supply all areas of the globe with equal precipitation. Water of any kind is scarce in continental regions with high average temperatures, because open sources are subject to evaporation. Surface water is especially vulnerable to a buildup of dissolved alkali minerals and salts.

When water scarce?

Liquid water is scarce in the solar system because it exists within a very narrow range of temperatures. Fresh water on Earth is scarce in some areas because the climate does not supply all areas of the globe with equal precipitation. Water of any kind is scarce in continental regions with high average temperatures, because open sources are subject to evaporation. Surface water is especially vulnerable to a buildup of dissolved alkali minerals and salts.

How hot would temperatures have to be for all Earth's water to evaporate and remain vapor?

It would have to be up to 3000.00 degrees celcius

Temperatures of water?

temperatures of water

Can you change waters density?

The density of liquid water is fairly constant across the range of temperatures. Liquid water is most dense at 4°C. At temperatures below that, water will expand slightly. When water freezes to form ice, it expands. Water vapor (steam) expands when heated.

Which atmospheric layer has the greatest range of temperature?

The atmospheric layer that has the greatest range of temperature is the troposphere. In the troposphere, water vapor plays a huge role in the fluctuation of temperatures.

Why does earth a liquid water supply an Venus does not?

Venus is closer to the sun, so it's hotter there. Water needs to stay below 100 deg C to remain a liquid, and Venus is hotter than that.