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No air. Sound is vibration is something- most commonly air, but sometimes water, metal, etc. There is no air in outer space to be vibrated.

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Q: Why cant Sound waves in outer space cannot travel in outer space because?
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Could a huge sound speaker be made to push things around outer space?

No, because sound cannot travel in outer space.

Does light need a medium through which to travel?

No, it does not. It can travel through any open space. Sound, unlike light, needs a medium to travel. So light can travel through outer space but sound cannot because there is no medium.

Why a war in outer space will be a quiet affair?

Because space has no air so sound cannot be heard as it cannot travel, that is also why you cannot scream in space :) <3 :P *_*

What can't sound travel through and why?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum, such as in outer space. "Sound" refers to waves of compression which travel through matter. When there is no matter, there can be no such waves, and therefore no sound.

Why Can't Sound Waves Travel In Outter Space?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or a solid object. In outer space, there is a lack of air or any other medium for sound to propagate. Therefore, sound waves cannot travel in the vacuum of space.

Will be possible to recollect sound waves that has gone to the universe?

Sound waves do not leave the planet. They cannot travel in the vacuum of outer space

Why is it impossible for sound to travel through outer space?

In outer space there is no air medium for travelling of sound it is impossible for sound to travel through outer space ..!!

Where does sound not travel?

outer space because you need some kind of physical material for sound to travel through and there's none of that in space

Why did astronauts who did experminets on the moon communicate with each other using walkie talkies even when they were right next to one another?

Sound needs to travel in medium like air, but there is no air in outer space, so sound is unable to travel. So basically sound needs air to travel, if there is no air sound cannot travel, when sound is unable to travel you cannot communicate (talk, speak, etc)

Where can't sound travel and why not?

Sound doesn't travel in a vacuum, so outer space is pretty quiet.

Sound waves cannot travel in outer space True or false?

no trust me there isn't don't make me go in to explaning it

Does sound travel outside the earths atmosphere in space?

No. Sound is simply vibrations of particles that travel in a sort of "wave" motion. Since there is no medium (particles of matter) in space, it is not possible for there to be sound.Sound waves require a medium to travel through. They travel by knocking particles into other particles, causing a vibration to be transmitted.As outer-space is a vacuum, there is no matter present; this means that there is no medium for sound waves to travel through. Therefore, sound cannot travel in space.