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You can look at the sun during the period of totalitywhen a TOTAL eclipse is happening.

However if even a tiny bit of the sun's bright disk is still visible, the light from it is so strong that it will burn and kill the cells in your retina. Your eyes and vision will be permanently damaged when this happens and, if it is very bad, you could be blinded (you will feel nothing while this happens).

To look at the sun during the partial phases of an eclipse you can ONLY do so by looking though No 14 welding glass, though special 'solar eclipse' glasses or at the refection of the sky and sun in a bucket of water.

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Q: Why cant we look at the sun during a solar ealips?
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When or where can you see the solar eclipse?

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What you photo during a solar eclipse is the solar rings showing around the moon. It is possible to photo them but you need to put a dark lense on the front of the camera and do not look at the screen directly.

Is it a myth that the eye gets damaged if you look at the sun during solar eclipse?

Sort of. If you look at the sun during the total solar eclipse, then your eyes will be fine. but they will get damaged when the sun comes out from behind the moon and burns your then-dilated eyes.

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It is only bad to look directly at the sun. Otherwise you can go about your normal business.

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Yes. There is nothing inherently dangerous about a solar eclipse. The only problem is for people who are tempted to look at the sun.

Why do you go blind when you look at the solar eclipse?

Looking at a solar eclipse without eye protection is basically looking at the sun. The sun emits ultraviolet rays that will damage your retina if you look directly at it. The only time it is safe to look at a solar eclipse is during totality when the sun is completely blocked from view.

What will happen if you look directly in the sun during solar eclipse?

If you look directly at the sun, whether there is an eclipse or not, you may suffer eye damage.

Why can you look at a lunar eclipse and not a solar?

A solar eclipse is when the moon comes between the sun and earth, so it's dangerous during a partial eclipse because it's like staring at the sun, but not during a total solar eclipse, because the moon completely covers the sun.

What is one myth about a Solar eclipse?

-- A dragon is eating the sun. -- There's something special and different about the sun's rays during a solar eclipse that's especially dangerous for your eyes, and that's the reason that you should not look at the sun during the eclipse.

What happens on a solar eclipse?

On a solar eclipse is like a person in front of the t.v you can't see anything. That's the same with the moon and sun. WARNING: never look at the sun during a solar eclipse. You are going to damage your eyes.

Is the sun's corona visible during a solar eclipse?

Yes, but CAUTION never look directly at the sun. permenant damage to the eye if did