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Q: Why can't we use nuclear energy directly instead of steam?
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How are Nuclear energy transformed into usable energy?

Nuclear energy is used to produce steam. This steam used to rotate turbines

What does nuclear energy transform to?

Nuclear energy transforms to thermal energy (through nuclear fission or nuclear fusion). Thermal energy transforms into kinetic energy (eg produces steam that drives steam turbines). The kinetic energy transforms into electric energy (through electric generators).

How is nuclear energy changed into electrical energy in a nuclear power plant?

Steam from the heat of the reactor.

Why don't nuclear subs use electric motors instead of steam turbines?

nuclear power makes hot water which turns into steam. instead of turbine how about a generator..

Why does the splitting generate electricity?

If you mean nuclear fission, then this does not generate electricity directly. The energy released is essentially light/heat energy and this is used to heat water to produce steam. The steam is then used to drive turbines/generators to produce the electricity.

How do nuclear produce electricity?

The produced nuclear energy manifests itself as heat energy transferred to the coolant passing by it and heats it up. The coolant is either transforms directly into steam (as in boiling water reactors) or it transfers its heat to another secondary coolant (through a steam generator) transferring it into steam. The steam flows to a turbine to operate it and the turbine consequently turns and electric generator that produces electricity.

How is water used in nuclear energy?

When nuclear fission occurs, it heats up water which turns into steam. This steam turns a turbine, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The steam is what you see coming out of the towers of a nuclear power plant. Most of the steam actually condensates before it escapes so it can be reused again to turn the turbine.

What is BWR of nuclear energy?

BWR = Boiling Water Reactor. In this type a certain proportion of the reactor coolant water is allowed to turn to steam (unlike in a PWR), this steam is separated out from the water after the reactor outlet and passes directly to the steam turbine.

When generators are spun they produce nuclear energy?

No, generators produce electrical energy when they are spun. Nuclear energy produces steam which spin generators.

Describe the role of steam in a nuclear power plant?

Steam in nuclear power plants is used to drive turbines for generation of kinetic energy.

If nuclear energy is changed into another form of energy in the boiler what type of energy is this?

A nuclear reaction will liberate large amounts of heat energy. This heat is used to heat water in the boilers to produce steam. Note: Nuclear energy isn't changed into heat in the boiler. Nuclear energy generates heat in the reactor core where fission occurs. The heat is transferred into the primary coolant there. The primary coolant, which is circulated by pumps, transfers heat to turn secondary water into steam in the steam generators (boilers). From there the steam is sent down the steam lines to drive turbines.

In a nuclear power plant what is used to change water into steam?

Heat from the nuclear reaction changes water to steam.