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Q: Why can't you use reprocessed plutonium in nuclear reactors?
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Why cant you get pictures of plutonium?

You can see two photos of plutonium objects at the link below.

Why cant saltwater be used in nuclear reactors?

possibility of corrosion.actually naval ship & submarine reactors are designed to use seawater as emergency coolant. they need significant repairs afterwards, but they would certainly need even more repairs if they overheated due to a LOCA.

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You cant. It is an element and thus making it heavier would mean it is no longer hydrogen. However, heavy hydrogen exists and is called deuterium and is made in nuclear reactors.

How do you get nuclear clearance?

you cant !!!!!!!!!

Why is japan facing a potential nuclear meltdown?

because, the nuclear reactors in the facility need to be cooled with water but since the power went out they cant cool it down and if they don't, it could cause an explosion causing radiation to spread across the area like in chernobyl and it will have to stay uninhabited because the radiation will stay for thousands of years

What metal is used in a nuclear power station as fuel?

Uranium. It undergoes controlled nuclear fission. to form plutonium amongst other elements . In doing so it liberates heat. This heat is used to heat water to steam, to drive a turbine, which in turn drives a generator to make electricity.

Why is nuclear technology important and why is it also harmful?

nuclear is important because if no nuclear we cant fresh the air. it is harmful because of the waste that through in any space

Why cant we see real nuclear waste on the Internet?

Can someone help me with this

Why cant nobody win a nuclear war?

Both sides would be destroyed.

Why government have to continued to develop nuclear weapons?

cos they can and u cant do anything about it!

Why can't cold nuclear fusion work?

cant repeat the same process twice!,

How much nuclear power is dumped in da ocean?

None, its power, you cant dump it.