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One word: Nitrates. Nitrate poisoning will be the main reason cattle may die while eating corn "grass" or corn plants. Nitrate poisoning is a big problem when you get sudden frost or any sudden change in temperature that affects the nitrate contencentration in a corn plant.

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Q: Why cattle die while eating corn grass?
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What are cattle primarily fed in Australia?

Grass, barley, oats, wheat, and maybe some corn.

Do you only feed beef cattle hay?

No beef cattle can also be fed, grass, corn, insilage, silage, grain, oats, barley.

Are cattle fed corn primarily in Australia?

No. Cattle can be fed other grains like barley and oats, and even more can be fed on just grass alone.

What problem evolved as a result of feeding corn to cattle?

We as humans eating beef from corn-fed cattle are getting sick and fat ourselves. Additionally, the cattle get sick as well: cattle fed high amounts of grain like corn suffer from foamy bloat and/or acidosis, which, in their acute forms, often result in death of the animal.

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ok.. what is cow corn? I have made corn for decades... Can we assume field corn? For cattle, we let it dry before collecting. Around 12% is awesome. For humans, we do not eat field corn.

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No. There are many cattle feeds that are vegetarian besides grass. The most common are corn and soy.

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The three fodder plants are: Berseem, oats, sudan grass. These plants are used as food by cattle. These provide energy required for doing farm work to cattle.

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Corn, Corn fed cattle, Corn fed people who were fed on Corn fed cattle.

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Human consumption. Cattle Feed. Corn Syrup. Grease. Fuel. Additives. Sweeteners.

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Can you eat a Holstein cow?

Yes you can, and fed right they are very tasty! But they need corn, not just grass or they will taste nasty, just like most cattle.