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Cesium is a group one metal which has a large atomic radius. This means that the outer shell of electrons is a great distance away from the pull of the nucleus which causes a decrease in the affect of the nuclear charge. There are many electron shells in between which causes shielding. This would reduce the atom's ability to pull electrons in a bond making it less electronegative. Group one elements would rather lose their outer shell electron to become stable than gain another electron.

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Q: Why cesium is regarded as least electronegative element?
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Which element is given first the more electronegative or less electronegative?

fluorine is most electronegative and cesium is least electronegative

What element is the least electronegative on the periodic table?

Cesium, Cs

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The two elements with the largest electronegativity difference between their atoms are fluorine (F) and cesium (Cs). Fluorine is the most electronegative element on the periodic table, while cesium is one of the least electronegative elements.

What element is least electronegitive?

Francium is the least electronegative element

Which element has the lowest electronegativity value?

Electronegativity increases as you go from the bottom left corner of the periodic table to the upper right corner. The element with the lowest electronegativity is thus francium (Fr). However, this element is radioactive, and so generally the least electronegative element that you can really use is cesium (Cs). Generally speaking, this whole first column (the alkali metals) all have very low electronegativities, but the lower down the column, the lower the electronegativity.(Francium may not be the least electronegative element due to the relativistic effects, which is evident from its ionization energy (> Cs) and standard electrode potential (

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What is the least electronegative element?

The least electronegative element is francium, which has a Pauling electronegativity value of 0.7. Francium is a highly reactive metal and is rare in nature.

Is oxide an element or an compound?

An oxide is a compound that contains oxygen and at least one other element that is less electronegative than oxygen.

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Group seven is known as the halogen group. The least reactive element in group seven is astatine. Fluorine is the most reactive.

What is oxygen's favorite element?

I don't understand what "favorite" is supposed to mean in this context. Oxygen is highly electronegative and will preferentially combine with the least electronegative element available, but that's not really a matter of "favorite", it's a matter of energetics.

Where are the least electronegative elements found?

The least electronegative elements are typically found in the lower left corner of the periodic table, such as the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. These elements have a lower affinity for electrons and are more likely to lose electrons to form positive ions. Examples include cesium and francium in the alkali metals group.

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Fluorine has the least attraction for electrons in a chemical bond among nitrogen, fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine. Fluorine is the most electronegative element on the periodic table, meaning it has a strong attraction for electrons in a bond.