

Why coal is a hydrocarbon?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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coal is a hydrocarbon because it is made up of hydrogen and carbon.

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Q: Why coal is a hydrocarbon?
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What are the hydrocarbon deposits?

coal,natural gas.

Carbonized remains of plants and animals?

Coal. Or, some other hydrocarbon.

What household items contain solid hydrocarbon?

Crude Oil, Ethanol ( Alcohol ), Fossil Fuels.

Is carbon dioxide a hydrocarbon?

"Hydrocarbon" means something that contains only carbon and hydrogen. Coal is mainly carbon with small amounts of other materials. There are certainly hydrocarbon compounds present in coal, but for the most part it's probably more correct to think of it as an impure form of carbon.

Is natural gas a type of coal?

No, Coal is a brownish or black solid formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter and natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas. Both are fossil fuels but natural gas and coal are completely different.

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No, Coal is a brownish or black solid formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter and natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas. Both are fossil fuels but natural gas and coal are completely different.

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A hydrocarbon is an organic compound that consists entirely of hydrogen and carbon. Some examples coal, petroleum and natural gas and paraffin.

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methane + Air > water and carbon dioxide CH3 + O2 > H2O + CO2 coal + air > water and carbon dioxide and ash coal =hydrocarbon + S+Ca+Mg +Si +O2> CO2 +H2O+ ash dependent on where you get the coal and how hot it burns and how dirty it is

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