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Q: Why couldn't daisy divorce?
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Why will tom and daisy not get a divorce in The Great Gatsby?

Divorce is not allowed in Cathlic and also because Daisy wants to still be in the wealthy class of people.

What were the rold of women in ancient china?

they had to do chores, they couldnt remarry or ask for a divorce. they were servants to men in the family and they couldnt go to school... you should just google it

What phony excuse did catherine give for tom and daisy not divorcing in the great gatsby?

Catherine claimed that Tom and Daisy couldn't get a divorce because Daisy was Catholic and didn't believe in it. This was her attempt to cover up the deception in their relationship and maintain appearances.

Why has Tom not left Daisy marry Myrtle Wilson?

According to Catherine Tom has not left Daisy for Myrtle because Daisy she says that Daisy is a catholic who doesn't believe in divorce. However, Nick knows that his cousin Daisy is not a catholic.

Why would Tom lie to Myrtle about Daisy being Catholic and that preventing there divorce?

because he is secretly gay

Why did J.K. Rowling get a divorce?

Rowling had gotten a divorce because at the time she was pregnat with her first child Jessica and she claimed that her hormones were racing and that she couldnt control her emotions, so her and her husband had gotten a divorce a little while after Jessica was born.

What are the types of daisies?

There are many daisy flower types; this species of flower is as beautiful as it is varied. The various types of daisies are Blue Daisy, Lazy Daisy or Prairie Daisy, African Daisy, Giant Daisy, African Daisy, Kingfisher Daisy, Sunshine Daisy, Gerbera Daisy, Transvaal Daisy or Barberton Daisy, Tahoka Daisy, Livingstone Daisy, Gloriosa Daisy, Dahlberg Daisy, Butter Daisy, Michaelmas Daisy, Swan River Daisy, Tatarian Daisy, Painted Daisy, Paris Daisy, Shasta Daisy, Crown-Daisy, Ox-eye Daisy and Nippon Oxeye Daisy. Among all the daisy flower types, the most popular ones are the Shasta Daisy and African Daisy.

What is daisy in Tagalog?

daisy in Tagalog: daisy

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no it couldnt

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Because he couldnt find a date!!!