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Q: Why cut down on CO2 emissions?
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What is an example of a tax imposed not only to raise money but to alter personal behavior?

A fuel tax escalator (to try and stop people using their cars and thus cut down on CO2 emissions.

How is cutting down trees bad?

Trees hold Co2 and when they are cut down, the Co2 is released, increasing global warming.

Why is solar energy commonly used in Europe?

Most countries in Europe are MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) and therefore can afford to invest in solar power. Also MEDCs cause much of the CO2 emissions so they want to cut down and can cut down more than LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries)

What are human emissions?

CO2 and methane from our bodies.

Why does your car use a catalytic converter?

To cut down on the harmful emissions leaving the tail pipe.

What relevance does Carbon Trading have to Deforestation?

Carbon Trading is a way that some countries use to encourage industries to cut back on their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Deforestation means cutting down large areas of forest. Forests are useful carbon sinks. They hold large amounts of carbon in their timber, and the trees, through photosynthesis, take in CO2 and convert it to oxygen. If industries really cut down their release of CO2, then deforestation might become a slightly less serious problem. A tenuous connection!

How do you student stop pollution?

Cars , vans, lorries, motorbikes, trains ETC pollut the air which is Co2 so if we cut down the many of people driving and by recyclng and stuff like that it could cut down less CO2 and we can live on. Co2 stands for carbon dioxide.

It is believed that excessive CO2 emissions will cause?

CO2 is carbon dioxide, and excessive CO2 is believed to cause Global Warming.

How do manufacturers reduce co2 emissions?

Power plants can purchase scrubbers to remove some CO2.

How much CO2 does Australia emit?

1% of the worldds emissions

Which country has the highest CO2 emissions per capita?

Qatar has the highest CO2 emissions per capita in the world. This is due to its heavy reliance on oil and gas production as well as its small population size, leading to high emissions per person.

What type of pollution do people cause?

CO2 emissions form cars, oils and chemicals that go down the drain, garbage in rivers, and much more.