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Q: Why did Adolf Hitler hate people of different races?
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Did Hitler feel shame to all the people he killed?

Probably not. Adolf Hitler used the "lesser races" as a scapegoat to bolster together the German people.

What were Adolf Hitler's racist theories about Aryans and Jews?

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in general believed that the races were all of different quality. Specifically, they thought that the Aryan race was the supreme race, and that the Jewish people were so inferior that they were considered by the Nazis to be sub-human.

Why don't people like Adolf Hitler?

hey buddy, he was a psycho who enjoyed killing people of all races so it answers itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the purpose of Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler, one of the leaders of The Axis powers during World War II, was the German Nazi Leader. He was considered to be responsible for the Holocaust in which millions of individuals (including those of Jewish Heritage) were killed.

What was Hitler's best friend's name?

August Kubizek was a childhood friend of Adolph Hitler. He wrote about this in a book, "Adolf Hitler, My Childhood Friend."

Did Adolf Hitler kill jews?

YES! it is what we hated about him. He killed six million Jews. He also killed many gypsies, gays, people with disabilities, and possibly other races. BASICALLY anyone he hated or wasn't German enough. He basically murdered anyone different which is ironic considering he was too.

How did Adolf Hitler feel in world war 2?

Adolf Hitler felt that there should be something with us so he started World War ll

What were Adolf Hitler's 3 obsessions?

Adolf Hitler had three primary obsessions: racial purity, territorial expansion, and anti-Semitism. He believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race and sought to purify it by eradicating "inferior" races. Hitler also sought to expand German territory, believing in the concept of Lebensraum or living space for the German people. Lastly, he harbored a deep hatred and paranoia towards Jews which led to their persecution and ultimately the Holocaust.

Who is scared of Benito Mussolini?

Many people were scared of Mussolini. He was on Hitler's side and attacked different races and types of people. He was a very malicious man who was most likely not pleasant.

What theory teaches that some races of human beings superior to others?

In 1870s: the Social Darwinism. 1920s-1930s: Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany's Aryan master race.

What were Adolf Hitler's beliefs and did they have a positive impact on the world?

He believed that Germans were the superior race of the world and that other races, especially the Jews, were inferior and were actually sub-humans and did not really deserve to live. Hitler's beliefs definitely did not have a positive impact on the world.

WHY mixture of races HAPPEN?

People of different races make babies together and that baby will have mixed races.