

Why did Adolf Hitler started the World War?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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This is a question that can't be answered asimply (my kind of question). O.K. we need to go back in history a bit. Many centuries ago, Europe was made up of tribes of people. Some of these tribes later gave their name (or had it given by others) to an area which became a country. Russia was named after the Rus people, England named for the Angels (pronounced angles), and so on. Yhe Germanic tribes later gave their name to Germany. Germany started of as part of the Ottoman Empire, the Prussion Empire and so on. Over time, parts of these empires broke away to form smaller countries. (We have seen this in modern times with Pakistan breaking from India, the break up of the Baltic States and the collapse of the U.S.S.R. By the turn of the 20th century, many leaders; political, military or royal, wanted to see the reunification of former territories. Some of these leaders were sensiblde enough to let them go (Great Britain had the biggest Empire the world has ever seen and therefore had much to lose. She lost much through poor management (U.S.A), neglect (Hawaiin Islands), and natural seperations (what is now the Commonwealth). The German Kaiser Wilhelm and his good friend Otto Von Bismarck, backed up by many other prominent people decided to reclaim much of the old Ottoman/Prussian (German) Empire. There were alot of other political and military factors involved but these two decided to declare War after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria (part of the 'German Empire). The world's superpower of the day was Great Britain and with their (mow) good friend France, decided to stop the German invasion of Europe. Belgium, Holland and much of Europe plus the British Commonwealth (Aussie, Kiwis Canadians etc) all got involved. Also entering the grand theatre of war between nations was a strapping young xcountry which had had some notable successes in the past and looked like it might amount to something big. You may ahve heard of this new player, it was known as the United States of America. Anyhow WWI started and it was a nasty 'modern' war. A young corporal from Austria fought in this war and felt unhappy with the outcome-his name was Adolf HITLER. Well WWI went as it did and a negotiated surrender was signed at a placwe called Versailles in France. This treaty, known as the Treaty of Versailles (funny about that) had lots of conditions. These included that Germany must make repatriation to damaged homes and businesses in Europe, allow certain parts of the German Empire to be their own countries (Poland, Austria etc). Germany could not have any military forces bigger that what was needed for immediate defence (small army etc). So Germany was paying big bills to repair other countries, not allowed to increase jobs by replacing lost military forces and equipment and losing large areas of land with the workforces and resources that went with them. Germany's economy fell through the floor. Their Mark and Pfennig (Dollars and cents/Pounds and pence) was worth nothing. An average housewife (middle class white collar husband) had to take a wheelbarrow load money to the market just for a loaf of bread. Then came the world stockmarket crash of 1929 and things just turned pearshaped for everyone, but for Germany....... So bu the late 1920's, our good friend Adolf HITLER had joined politics. He tried to get himself voted into a position of influence but was having some trouble doing so. Meanwhile, Germany is in freefall. They are starving but still sending shiploads of money overseas to pay repatriation as per the Treaty of Versailles. By 1933 however, HITLER foundhimself in ruling government in a coalition. For some unknown reason, his political allies started disappearing and suddenly, big surprise, HITLER became Chancellor of Germany. (Prime Minister/President). First thing he does? Stops the payments ovewrseas and starts using the money to rebuild German armaments. He finds jobs for everyone and reduces unemployment like no one else in history has ever done. He brings back national pride to a nation that has suffered more than most. To the general population he is a hero! Anyone in that position that thye average German citizen was in during the early 1930's would have seen HITLER as a great man. Even the great Henry FORD of Ford Motor Co saw HITLER as a great industrialist, politician and leader. But not everyone saw old Adolf as the new 'wunderkind'. A few of our chaps in England were a bit edgy and some Americans weren't too happy either. Britain and U.S.A sent HITLER a greeting card telling him to pull his head in a bit. In Germany, alot of citizens could see problems coming and spoke out. They either ended up in concentration camps (about 500,000 non Jewish Germans) or simply 'vanished'. Britain was still viewed as the world's policeman' at this time but she was pretty tired. WWI had taken it out of her and she had embarked on huge social reform spending. The United States of America was now the new sherriff in town but didn't want to 'usurp' Britain (I think that was very diplomatic and polite). The Olympic Games were held in Berlin in 1936. This put Germany on show and they made a good job of convincing most people worldwide that things were good in Germany. However Britain and America were talking across the Atlantic, they knew HITLER and his merry men were up to more no good. HITLER's next move was to bring back Germany's former lands and people. Austria was quietly pulled back in as were as number of satellite states. HITLER wanted more. He wanted more territory, a more white supremecy, more non Jewishness. Britain sent Neville CHAMBERLAIN (P.M.) to Germany to try and sought things out. A treaty called the Munich Agreement was signed which gave Chekoslovakia (a country formed after WWI which split from the old German Empire) back to Germany in return for HITLER staying put. Britain was not in a state readiness for war. Her once great fleets were in disrepair and out of date, military expenditure had been severely cut due to the depression and her social reform spending. Britain was a heavy weight boxer who looked formidable but was severely battered. PEACE IN OUR TIME was what CHAMBERLAIN and HITLER promised. On the 1st of September 1939, armoured division units of Germany's Army Group South rolled over the border into Poland. Britain had no choice. She declared war on Germany. CHAMBERLAIN was sidelined and the King asked a half British half American man to form goverment and lead the country to war. This man's mother was one of the American JEROME sisters, Jeanette (Jenny JEROME). Whilst crossing the American Great Plains by train, she met and was wooed by a British Lord named Randolf Duke of Marlborough. Randolf CHURHILL, as his surname was, married Jenny the American girl and they produced one Winston CHURHILL. Anyhow, the reat is history. Europe became embroiled in WWII, America couldn't enter the fight due to ROOSEVELDT's election promises to American mothers that their sons wouldn't be asked to fight in an overseas war. (Many young Americans joined the British, Australian or Canadian units to get into the fray and help out). Pearl Harbour occured and Uncle Sam officially joined up. HITLER was convinced that 'divine intervention' decreed that he bring about a new world order.

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