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He didn't.

Einstein simply developed the theoretical basis that made optical pumping a goal to seek, in order to create a lasing action.

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Q: Why did Albert Einstein invent the electromagnetic pump?
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Who made the electromagnetic pump?

Albert Einstein invented the Electromagnetic Pump to inprove refridgerators

What is invented by albert einstein?

AC electric pump with no moving parts.

When did Albert Einstein invent?

Einstein was a theoretical physicist as well as an inventor. He gave us the special and general theories of relativity, and he did some important work on the photoelectric effect. He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patentnumber US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Alongwith dozens of other patents worldwide.

What did Albert Einstein invent'?

Einstein was best known as a theoretical physicist, but working in a patent office in Germany, he also became a less well known inventor. In physics, Albert Einstein is responsible for developing his Special and General Theories of Relativity (E=Mc2), and he did some important work on the photoelectric effect.He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patent number US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Along with dozens of other patents worldwide.Its no that he had invented anything really, because he is a physcist, but he had come up with E=mc squared. And the relevance between light and its reflection.

What did Albert Einstein invented?

Einstein wasn't really an "inventor." He was more of a theoretical physicist. In the sense that you can "invent" a theory, he was responsible for a great deal of relativity, a considerable amount of statistical thermodynamics, and made significant contributions to quantum physics (even though he didn't really believe in some of its implications) and cosmology.He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patent number US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Along with dozens of other patents worldwide.

What did Albert Einstein invent and when?

Einstein was a theoretical physicist, as well as an inventor. He did come up with one particular formula that you may have heard of...E=MC2 (E=MC squared). He did a lot of that kind of thing but this was his most famous, which he presented in 1905. He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patent number US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Along with dozens of other patents worldwide. You may look up the patent numbers to see when they were filed.

Where was Albert Einstein from what did he invent?

He was born in Wurttingberg, Germany. He had discovered the theory of relativity.He was born in Ulm, Königreich Württemberg, a part of the German Empire. He studied and worked in Switzerland, and at the onset of WWII, moved to the United States of America.He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patent number US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Along with dozens of other patents worldwide.

What inventions is Albert Einstein credited with?

Einstein was a theoretical physicist as well as an inventor. He gave us the special and general theories of relativity, and he did some important work on the photoelectric effect. He co-invented a type of refrigerator with no moving parts; patent number 1781541. An electromagnetic pump; patent number GB303065, a self adjusting camera; patentnumber US2058562, and a sound replication device; patent number DE590783. Alongwith dozens of other patents worldwide.

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i no that it was 1678

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John Browning invented the pump shotgun in the year 1897.

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