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Q: Why did Americans fear Communism during World War 1?
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Who did Americans fear Was trying to destroy America during red scare?


What did Americans fear in the 1950's?


What did Americans fear during the 1905s?

Americans were very worried about the threat of Communism in the 1950s. This fear was so prevalent at the time that the 1950s are often called the time of the "Red Scare."

Why did the Americans fear the result of the Russian revolution?

They feared the spread of Communism

Who was the enemy in the mccarthyism witch hunt?

The fear of communism influencing Americans.

Why did Americans fear the domino theory?

they feared that if communism spread it would continue to spread and possibly start another world war

How did American show their fear of communism?

Americans showed the fear of communism thorough the McCarthy trials. The trials tried many innocent people for fear they supported communism. Students practiced duck and cover drills in case of raids.

When did fear of communism known as the red scare begin in the united States?

It began during World War 2.

When did the fear of Communism known as the Red Scare begin in the United States?

It began during World War 2.

Why were Americans worried about the security of the US?

because they were shocked that the communists hadtaken-overchina and fueling a fear that communism would spread around the world.

What did Americans fear during the red Scare?

During the Red Scare, the Americans feared the spread of communism (red was the colour of the flag of the communist Soviet Union and the communist emblem known as the red star). There were two Red Scares in U.S.A.: 1) 1919-1920: Fear of socialist revolution and political radicalism (red is a symbol of radical ideology). 2) 1947-1957: Fear of national and foreign communism influencing American society and/or infiltrating the federal government.