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Q: Why did Andrew Jackson change the currency to gold and silver?
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What is the reason that Andrew Jackson issued the specie circular in July 1836 requiring payment in gold or silver?

to strengthen the government's currency

Andrew Jackson demanded people to buy what with gold or silver?

Andrew Jackson demanded people to buy LAND with gold and silver. Subscribe to Nelson Family Ballers pls

Which of these men most closely related to the specie circular?

Andrew Jackson is most closely related to the Specie Circular. As the president of the United States from 1829 to 1837, Jackson issued the Specie Circular in 1836. This executive order required the purchase of public lands to be made with gold or silver rather than paper currency, with the aim of curbing land speculation and stabilizing the economy.

What did president Andrew Jackson issue in 1836?

In 1836, President Andrew Jackson issued the Specie Circular. This executive order required all public lands to be purchased with gold or silver coins, rather than paper currency. It was intended to curb rampant speculation and stabilize the economy, but instead contributed to the economic downturn known as the Panic of 1837.

What is the value of a Andrew Jackson silver dollar worth?

July 31, 2009 The US Mint did not issue a silver coin of Andrew Jackson. Any such coin would probably have been produced by one of the many private mints and its value is dependent upon the value of the materials used to make it. Most coins of this nature are called "silver rounds" and are considered bullion coins. Their value is based on the silver they contain which is $13.91 today. Some people collect this type of coin but overall the value of them is the value of silver or perhaps slightly more.

What ordered all payments for federal land to be made in gold or silver?

Andrew Jackson in 1836, It was called the Specie Circular

Why is Andrew Jackson on the 20 dollare bill?

He also signified the power of the common man on his rise to power. but it is ironic, though. For all the work he put into killing a national Bank of the United States, his picture is on the Bank of the United States note that is most circulated. ;P Andrew Jackson is on the twenty dollar bill as a form of mockery to him by the people of his time who later, after Jackson left office started the Federal Reserve System. Jackson hated paper money and opposed printing anything higher than a $5 bill. He believed in using silver and gold coins. Jackson opposed having a Central Banking system and fought hard to win his fight, which he did, against a key banking individual named Biddle in not renewing the Central Bank's charter. Andrew Jackson greatly opposed having a Central Bank and believed only in having silver-backed or gold-backed currency. Andrew Jackson was able to win his fight over not renewing the charter of the Central Bank which made Mr. Biddle, a key central Banker player very angry. Andrew Jackson believed that the only paper currency that should ever be allowed into our monetary system should be one and five dollar bills.

What required that all western land be purchased with gold or silver?

The Specie Circular of 1836 required all western lands to be purchased with gold and silver coin only. It was mandated by Andrew Jackson.

What decisions of Andrew Jackson is considered one of the causes of the economic depression of the late 1830s?

demanding that gold and silver should be used to buy land.

What is the value of an 1829 US silver dollar?

The US didn't make any circulating silver dollars from 1804 to 1835 inclusive. If your coin is small, gold in color, and has a picture of Andrew Jackson on it, it's a modern $1 coin and it's made of brass, not silver (that's why it's brass-colored and not silver-colored, after all!) 1829 was when Jackson was inaugurated.

When was Andrew Silver - producer - born?

Andrew Silver - producer - was born on 1942-07-12.

What man was most closely related to the Specie Circular?

Andrew Jackson was most closely related to the Specie Circular. By Jackson's 1836 Executive Order, the Specie Circular required payment for government land to be in gold and silver.