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because they thought the sun would keep rising

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Q: Why did Aztec priests sacrifice humans atop the great temple?
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Related questions

Who conducts the Aztecs human sacrifice?

Priests conducted the Aztec human sacrifices.

Why did Aztec sacrifice humans?

The Aztecs believed in the cyclical nature of the cosmos, where sacrifice of humans was necessary to maintain the balance between the gods and humans. They viewed sacrifices as a way to nourish the gods and ensure the continued survival of the world and their civilization. Additionally, human sacrifice was used as a form of political control and to instill fear in neighboring tribes.

Did the Aztec eat humans?

Yes, there is evidence to suggest that the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice as part of their religious rituals. However, it is debated whether they actually consumed the flesh of the sacrificed individuals. Some sources suggest that it may have occurred in certain ceremonial contexts, but it was not a widespread practice.

What ritual was the Aztec famous for performing high on the temple pyramids?

Human sacrifice

What do Aztec priests wear?

Aztec Priests wore black-hooded cloaks,black robes and painted their faces and bodies and sacrifice people

What is the largest Aztec temple?

the largest Aztec temple is Techolition

How did the Aztec priest sacrifice the humans?

they would kill the sacrifice by putting them on a table like stand on cut their hearts out.

What was the Aztec social classes?

The Aztec society had a hierarchical structure with four main social classes: Nobles (pipiltin), commoners (macehualtin), serfs and slaves. The nobles held the highest positions of power and wealth, while commoners made up the majority of the population and were farmers, artisans, or soldiers. Serfs were indentured workers tied to the land, and slaves were at the lowest rung of society with no rights.

What was the main purpose of an Aztec temple?

The main purpose of an Aztec temple was to serve as a sacred space for religious practices and ceremonies, including offerings and rituals to honor their gods. The temples were considered the physical connection between the Aztec people and their deities, playing a central role in their spiritual beliefs and worldview.

Did the Inca and Aztec have priests?


What did the Aztec people sacrifice?

the Aztec people sacrificed humans as order of the god that gave them a place to build a city, now known as 'MEXICO CITY.'

What was the name of the Aztec temple?

the temple of warriors