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Barack Obama kept a promise to end the war in Iraq so all the soldiers and the injured could go home and see their loved ones from all the suffering in the war, (including both American and Iraqis) to prove he the great man he truly is, and to stop the hatred.

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Q: Why did Barack Obama keep a promise to end the war in Iraq?
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This was a campaign promise President Obama made in 2009, and as of 2012, he has not fulfilled it. However, in fairness, it should be noted that many candidates (and many presidents) have made campaign promises that they were unable to keep, for any of a number of reasons.

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As President of the United States, Barack Obama took office during ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He implemented policies aimed at ending the Iraq War and transitioning responsibilities in Afghanistan to Afghan forces. Ultimately, the length of any war would depend on a variety of factors, including geopolitical circumstances and actions taken by the president and other government officials.

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He has not said yet what he will do to help but I'll keep an eye out

Does Barack Obama keep a journal?

Yes the book has been passed on through all the presedents containing the secret life

Who was Barack Obama influence?

Barack was really influenced by Abe Lincoln. I thinks he was inspired by the way president Lincoln, worked hard for unity, he just wanted to keep the country together.