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To claim more land

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Q: Why did British and French traders argue over American land?
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How were The French Revolution and the American Revolution were similar?

Well this is a bit speculative, but you could argue that both were religious wars. The two "religions" in question were Christianity and atheistic rationalism. The French revolution was a rejection of Christianity in favour of atheistic rationalism. In the American Civil war, the North were the atheists and the South was still essentially Christian, despite its liking for slavery.

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The Stamp Act of 1765 was argued to be a tax without representation since the British colonies had no representatives in the British Parliament.

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What is on se dispute rarement in french?

"On ne se dispute jamais" means "We never argue."

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the stamp act

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One could argue that it led to the American Revolution. The British were (quite reasonably) determined that the colonists were going to pay for the Seven Years War and began levying a series of taxes to that end. This eventually led the colonists to conclude that they would be better off without the British.

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To argue against negative ideas.