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Because they didn't really travel around the world that much so they just thought that the world must be roumd

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Q: Why did China believe the earth was square in ancient times?
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What did ancient people believe was the center of the universe?

they believed that the earth was the center.

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I believe this God was Geb, the God of the Earth.

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I believe that would be the Earth.

Who believed earth was the center of the center of the universe?

Well, Aristotle was the philosopher who reasoned this, but around his time everyone believed that. The term geocentric is used for those that believe that the Earth is the center of the universe. Belief in this system was common in ancient Greece. It was embraced by both Aristotle and Ptolemy, and most, but not all, Ancient Greek philosophers assumed that the Sun, Moon, stars, and naked eye planets circle the Earth. Similar ideas were held in ancient China.

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In terms of square miles, Russia is thw biggest place on Earth with China being second.

Why did christopher Columbus think that thhe earth is square?

Columbus never believed the earth was square, in fact, the myth was that he believed the earth was flat. However, in truth, Columbus did not believe the earth was flat. Ancient Greek mathematicians, Pythagoras and Aristotle, proved the earth was spherical in shape based on the shadow of the earth on the moon and the curvature of the earth when approaching land. Columbus falsely believed he could reach Asia by going west because he underestimated the circumference of the earth, and also believed Europe was wider than it was.

Why did ancient Greeks feel that the temple of Delphi was the center of the earth?

They believe that because they thought they found the crack of the earth and then built the Delphi on top of it.

Where was ancient China?

Ancient China was located in Eastern Asia and borders the Eastern China Sea, Korean Bay, Yellow Sea, and the Northern China Sea by Korea and Vietnam. Ancient China was located in Eastern Asia and borders the Eastern China Sea, Korean Bay, Yellow Sea, and the Northern China Sea by Korea and Vietnam.

What are the religious names for earth?

Gaia and Terra are two from the Ancient world, both pagan and greek I believe.

Who says that the world is round?

The Ancient Greeks figured that out, but if you don't believe them find a photo from space of earth. It is round.