

Why did God create kosher foods?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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14y ago

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G-d did not create kosher foods, He created the animals, plants and other forms of life that make up the entirety of life on planet Earth. Later on, He made a covenant or agreement with the Ancient Hebrews in which the people that became Jews agreed to live their lives according to 613 strict guidelines and rules, known as the Taryag Mitzvot - some of which stated that Jews must not eat certain animals or mix meat with dairy. Why this should be is a matter of some debate - some people claim that those foods declared non-kosher (treif) would be liable to decay quickly in a warm environment such as that then inhabited by the Hebrews, whereas others believe that kashrut (the laws governing what is kosher and what is not) exist simply as a test of a Jew's dedication to the covenant. Others just accept them as chukim - laws for which no reason is given - and don't question what they see as G-d's will.

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When God told them to in Leviticus 11.

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Christianity does not require kosher foods.

Where can kosher foods be purchased?

At a kosher grocery store or a regular grocery store that sells kosher foods.

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Kosher foods are made with natural ingredients.

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Kosher foods aren't specifically gmo free.

What is eating kosher?

It means eating kosher foods.

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As far as I know, according to Kosher law God has not purified the unclean foods. I don't agree with any New Testament verses that God would purify anything He has deemed unclean.

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glatt kosher foods was founded on 08/22/1648

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Sinai Kosher Foods and Best's Kosher merged.

What sort of kosher foods do Jews eat?

Anything that's kosher.

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Religiously observant Jews will only eat food that is kosher. Foods that meet the requirements of Jewish dietary laws are called Kosher foods.

Is kosher foods and Tyson a joint company?

No. 1). There is no such company as "Kosher Foods". Kosher food is not a company, any more than "Chinese Food" is. 2). Tyson doesn't produce any kosher products.