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Did he? I had never heard about this, as this song is said to be anonymous - and certainly existing just since after his lifetime, and even having an Italian-like style!

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Q: Why did Henry VIII write greensleeves?
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Who composed greensleeves?

it is rumoured that Henry viii composed Greensleeves.

Did Henry VIII write greensleves?

Nobody knows who wrote 'Greensleeves'. Some people believe that it was Henry VIII, but there is no evidence either way.

What Christmas carol did King Henry VIII write?

None at all; but he is credited with composing the tune 'Greensleeves', later used for the carol 'What Child is this?'

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What was one piece of music Henry VIII composed?

Henry has been credited with writing Greensleeves

What is the link between Henry VIII and greensleeves?

The link between Henry VIII and "Greensleeves" is a popular misconception. While the song was composed during Henry VIII's reign, there is no concrete evidence that he wrote it. The association with Henry VIII likely stems from a romantic legend that he composed the song for Anne Boleyn, although there is no historical basis for this claim.

Why was greensleeves written?

"Greensleeves" was a love song possibly written for Henry the VIII's future queen. The song predates "What child is this" which uses a similar tune.

What pieces of music did Henry VIII compose?

It is popularly believed that he composed the melody of 'Greensleeves.'

What song did Henry write for anne Boleyn?

Greensleeves was thought to be writtn by Henry VIII for Anne Boleyn, but now it has been confirmed that the song was likely to be written much later, in the 17th century.

Was Greensleeves written by Henry VIII?

No. The ballad Greensleeves, which was originally called "A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves", was written by Richard Jones in 1580.

What was Henry viii favourate Christmas carol?

It is believed he wrote and sang Greensleeves. It is said he wrote the song when he was dating Anne Boleyn and sang this song for her.